2019-08-08 Wifi in school despite science

 In Kentucky, the health and school departments have partnered to give “cell phone lockers” to restaurants to encourage family communication. What a sorry state to have to do something like this….   But other communities should encourage “disconnection” whenever possible. Cellphone locker project designed to encourage family communication Partnerships between school district, health department and restaurants … Continue reading 2019-08-08 Wifi in school despite science

2019-04-17 Mercola covers Cancer Clusters at Elementary School

1) Another excellent article by Dr. Mercola to his readers. Cell Tower Removed From Schoolyard Due to Cluster of Cancer Cases “Unlike the 4G technology currently in use, which relies on 90-foot cell towers with about a dozen antenna ports on each, the 5G system uses “small cell” facilities or bases, each with about 100 antenna ports. These … Continue reading 2019-04-17 Mercola covers Cancer Clusters at Elementary School

WIRED TO DELIVER – New Site Promotes Community Fiber not Industry-Driven 5G – Press Release by Connected Communities – March 20, 2019

https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/WIRED-TO-DELIVER-New-Site-Promotes-Community-Fiber-not-Industry-Driven-5G-Press-Release-by-Connected-Communities-March-20-2019.pdf WIRED TO DELIVER: New Site Promotes Community Fiber not Industry-Driven 5G   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – March 20, 2019 Contact:   connected.communities.ca@gmail.com While last week’s launch of the federal spectrum auction gave the green light to 5G in Canada, many communities across North America are choosing to build and operate their own fiber-to-the-premises networks. An … Continue reading WIRED TO DELIVER – New Site Promotes Community Fiber not Industry-Driven 5G – Press Release by Connected Communities – March 20, 2019

2019-03-22 Connected Communities — a new website “Wired to Deliver”

1)  Oona McOuat, who is one of the leaders in this battle against 5G, has just completed the creation of a new website: http://connected-communities.ca/ .  Below, in Letters, is the press release that was just sent to many BC media outlets. Your help is spreading the word would be much appreciated. Please send it, the expansion … Continue reading 2019-03-22 Connected Communities — a new website “Wired to Deliver”

2019-02-25 Hydro testing “smart” controls for water heaters

1) In case anyone wants to know how to read their smeters, this is from BC Hydro. https://www.bchydro.com/content/dam/BCHydro/customer-portal/documents/projects/smart-metering/smart-metering-program-reading-a-smart-meter.pdf   [FortisBC – https://www.fortisbc.com/accounts-billing/meters-meter-readings/your-electricity-meter] 2) BC Hydro testing “smart” water heaters with controllers that would enable it to turn power off at peak times. BC Hydro smart water trial offers free $600 controller and likely lower bills … Continue reading 2019-02-25 Hydro testing “smart” controls for water heaters

2019-01-03 A cancer cluster in small area of Indiana with at least 143 cell transmitters

1)   We should all celebrate that word is getting around about 5G technology, much more quickly that I would have expected. Word of mouth is paying off!!  We must keep talking with every level of government as well as our friends and family – this technology is not safe and must not be outside our … Continue reading 2019-01-03 A cancer cluster in small area of Indiana with at least 143 cell transmitters

2018-11-01 NTP study reports non-ionizing radiation might cause DNA breaks!

[AAEM – Addiction – Andrew Goldsworthy – BC Hydro – BC Society of Transition Houses (Harassment, Joanne Baker, Passwords, Safety) – Billy Kim Rios, Whitescope – Bluetooth – Brain Implants (DBS, Parkinson’s) – Cell Phone Cancer Risk (Clear Evidence) – Children – DARPA – DECT Phones – Dietrich Klinghardt – DNA – Doctor Christine Aschermann – Dominique … Continue reading 2018-11-01 NTP study reports non-ionizing radiation might cause DNA breaks!

2018-10-14 Our Public Health Officers are totally ignorant about the dangers of EMR and seem unwilling to learn.

[5G – BCCDC – Captured Agencies – Cell Phones – Corruption – Deutsche Telekom Speedport W925V Routers – EHS / ES – Enedis Center-Val de Loire (EDF) – FCC – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – ICNIRP – Jerry Flynn Letters to Richard Stanwick, Scott Fraser, VIHA [now Island Health] Hospitals re EMFs, EMR, & … Continue reading 2018-10-14 Our Public Health Officers are totally ignorant about the dangers of EMR and seem unwilling to learn.