2021-10-22 BC Hydro’s application for LED street lights — are they “smart”?

1) Medical devices connected to the IoT because “it is only fair”?? What happens when the internet is down? What about hacking? A great way to harm someone is by controlling necessary medical devices like insulin pumps or pacemakers. How is Adoption of Internet of Things Technology Driving Network Connected Medical Devices Market? “The internet … Continue reading 2021-10-22 BC Hydro’s application for LED street lights — are they “smart”?

2019-01-02 Light (Li-Fi) could replace Wi-Fi

1)  McLean’s is alerting Canadians to the potential for cybersecurity issues resulting from the IoT and, especially, 5G technology as Huawei’s equipment is used and this Chinese company partners with Telus to build the infrastructure. What’s the worst China could do with access to Canada’s 5G network? https://www.macleans.ca/society/technology/whats-the-worst-china-could-do-with-access-to-canadas-5g-network/  2)  Internet via light or Li-Fi was … Continue reading 2019-01-02 Light (Li-Fi) could replace Wi-Fi

2016-12-02 US Navy report on electromagnetic warfare – 600% increase in low level flights

1)    The Energy Minister of Ontario claims to be searching for ways to reduce rates, such as eliminating time-of-use billing.   “The energy minister also questioned time-of-use pricing for electricity, which charges much higher rates during peak daylight hours, a practice that critics say unfairly hurts seniors and others who stay home during the day. … Continue reading 2016-12-02 US Navy report on electromagnetic warfare – 600% increase in low level flights

2022-12-30 “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” Oprah Winfrey

This is the last update for 2022. I wish you all the very best for the New Year. May 2023 prove to be a year of good health, happiness and fulfillment for everyone. 1) Dr. Meg Sears, Chair of Prevent Cancer Now, has been working on many projects with special attention on getting EMF to … Continue reading 2022-12-30 “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” Oprah Winfrey

2022-11-24 Cdn. Pediatric Assoc. amended guideline

1) There are interesting studies in the bibliography that were published more than 20 years ago that associated various occupations with higher risk factors. Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields may affect heart health, new EWG analysis finds “Electromagnetic radiation in the radiofrequency range emitted by cell phones, tablets and other wireless communication devices is absorbed by the … Continue reading 2022-11-24 Cdn. Pediatric Assoc. amended guideline

2022-09-16 Precedent for ‘Havana Syndrome’

1) Dr. Joel Moskowitz shared this very interesting historical data about the microwaving of the US diplomats, including 32 previously classified documents. Apparently, the government still has more information from the era that remains classified. (click on photos to enlarge) The Moscow Signals Declassified: Microwave Diplomacy, 1967-1977 Briefing Book #805 William Burr & Peter Kornbluh, … Continue reading 2022-09-16 Precedent for ‘Havana Syndrome’