2021-01-27 Apple warns: keep iPhone12 6-12 inches away from medical devices

1) In the Jan. 11 update (1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-01-11-iphone-12-stops-implantable-defibrillator/), I shared info about the iPhone12 stopping an implantable defibrillator. Now Apple is warning customers about possible interference with implants and Heart Rhythm Journal provided even stronger warnings in a CNN program. (click on photo to enlarge) Apple: Keep iPhone12 at least six inches from pacemakers … Continue reading 2021-01-27 Apple warns: keep iPhone12 6-12 inches away from medical devices

2020-12-21 Wifi in school –> a young girl’s suffering

1) A member’s daughter shares her story about becoming sensitive as a young teenager. This should be shared widely, and hopefully enough parents will put pressure on school board officials to make schools safer for children. (click on photo to enlarge) Stories of Hope ~ a teen’s foggy brain, rash, itch, fatigue, nausea https://jesssherman.com/blog/stories-of-hope-rash-foggy-brain-fatigue-nausea    … Continue reading 2020-12-21 Wifi in school –> a young girl’s suffering

2020-11-14 EMR effects on insects

1) This review should be sent to environmental groups as well as to bee keepers, MLAs. MPs, Ministers of Agriculture, etc. There are clear descriptions of negative effects on insects, including honey bees. Fruit flies have long been used in experiments with results predicting effects on humans. One example: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/could-fruit-flies-reveal-the-hidden-mechanisms-of-the-mind/ Fruit flies suffer from exposure … Continue reading 2020-11-14 EMR effects on insects


(click on photos to enlarge) = = = Martin Blank, PhD, Overpowered: What Science Tells Us About the Dangers of Cell Phones and Other WiFi-Age Devices Seven Stories, 2014. Dr. Blank studied the health effects of electromagnetic fields for over 30 years. He taught at Columbia University. https://www.emf-experts.com/overpowered.html; https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/226324/overpowered-by-martin-blank-phd/. = = = Devra Davis, PhD, … Continue reading Books