1) This review should be sent to environmental groups as well as to bee keepers, MLAs. MPs, Ministers of Agriculture, etc. There are clear descriptions of negative effects on insects, including honey bees. Fruit flies have long been used in experiments with results predicting effects on humans. One example:
Fruit flies suffer from exposure to very low levels of RF, lower levels that many of us experience in our day to day lives.
Biological effects of electromagnetic fields on insects
“This systematic review evaluates the state of knowledge regarding the toxic effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on insects. Also included is a general review of reported effects and mechanisms of EMF exposure, which addresses new findings in cell biology. 72 of 83 analyzed studies found an effect. Negative effects that were described in studies include: disturbance of the sense of orientation, reduced reproductive ability and fertility, lethargy, changes in flight dynamics, failure to find food, reduced reaction speeds, escape behavior, disturbance of the circadian rhythm, blocking of the respiratory chain and damage to the mitochondria, misactivation of the immune system, increased number of DNA strand breaks.”
A few notes:
1 – pg. 12 – “3.2.2 Manta 2017, 2014 A study conducted by Margaritis and Manta (Margaritis et al. 2014), the result of 280 experiments, shows an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the ovaries of Drosophila after exposure to radiofrequency fields. Included were GSM mobile phone, DECT base and handset, Wi-Fi router, Bluetooth, baby phone, microwave oven, 900 MHz unmodulated (oscilloscope) and FM radio. The GSM mobile phone and DECT proved to be particularly harmful, but all other artificial EMFs tested were also slightly harmful in the sense that they led to reduced fertility and increased cell death in the ovaries.”
2 – pg. 13 – “3.2.5 Odemer 2019 Odemer and Odemer 2019 studied the development of honey bee queens in the presence of a transmitting GSM mobile phone in the hive (about 2.2 V/m or 13 mW/m2 ). The development of larvae to queens was significantly impaired (40% decrease after 14 days of exposure) compared to control. However, other development parameters remained the same between irradiated and non-irradiated queens and their colonies.” (the level of exposure is very low, 13 mW/m2 = 1.3 uW/cm2. The frequency of the GSM isn’t given, but assuming it was 900-1900 MHz, Safety Code 6 allows 273-456 uW/cm2)
3 – pg. 15 – “In Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Russia, and China, the maximum permissible exposures (installation limits) for the general population are 6 V/m (100 mW/m2 ) or less (3 V/m in Luxembourg) in the mobile telephony/Wi-Fi range, while Germany, the USA, and many other countries adhere to the ICNIRP limits, which are set at 41 V/m (4000 mW/m2 ) for 900 MHz, or at 61 V/m (10 W/m2 ) for 2 GHz and above (funkstrahlung.ch 2017; Woelfle 2003; Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection et al. 2020). Thirty-six (36) of the 64 radiofrequency experiments in this review used a field strength of less than 6 V/m (100 mW/m2 ), and 30 experiments (83 %) nevertheless found clear indications of or statistically significant adverse effects, roughly starting from 3 V/m, i.e. even below the particularly low installation limits found only in some countries. The installation limit is measured where people can stay for long periods of time, i.e. streets, city squares, homes, etc.”
4 – pg. 15 – “It is planned to install one base station every 250 meters (or less) in the urban sector, with a distinction being made between so-called “small cells” and ordinary base stations. If this were to be implemented, a considerable portion of the air region typical for insects, in urban areas, would possibly be saturated with power levels around 100 mW/m2 at some point. Switzerland, Italy and a few Eastern European countries are probably within the safe range with a 6 V/m installation limit – but elsewhere in Europe the 5G expansion threatens to lead to a significant increase in EMF emissions. In view of the current research situation, the author of this review must warn against such an approach, as harmful effects on insects would be unavoidable. In addition, 5G-radiation is probably – at least for insects – more bioactive than e.g. 4G-emissions of the same field strength, because of the very “dense” signal characteristics (Panagopoulos 2011).”
5 – pg. 16 – “Conclusions: Research indicates that EMF could have a serious impact on the vitality of insect populations. 72 of the 83 studies analysed found an effect. Negative effects that were described in studies include: disturbance of the sense of orientation, reduced reproductive capacity and fertility, lethargy, changes in flight dynamics, in the success of foraging, in reaction speeds, escape behaviour, disturbance of circadian rhythms, blocking of the respiratory chain and damage to mitochondria, misactivation of the immune system, increased number of DNA strand breaks”.
2) The telecoms in every country are putting pressure on governments (as well as on ICNIRP) to increase exposure guidelines to facilitate the expansion of wireless technology, especially 5G, which may be hindered by the already extremely high exposure allowances. Doctors in Switzerland are expressing their concerns, supporting wired connections (fiber optic cable) to homes. Because agencies like ICNIRP will not acknowledge harm from non-ionizing radiation, the doctors are asking for the Precautionary Principle to be applied. The Wingspread Precautionary Principle, to which Canada was a signatory, states: “The Precautionary Principle calls for preventive actions when an activity is believed to threaten human health or the environment, even if there is no scientifically established evidence.”
(click on photos to enlarge)

“The essentials in brief
• The development of mobile telephony worries us doctors for environmental protection (AefU).
• We demand the consistent application of the precautionary principle.
• The political and social discussion about the dangers of electromagnetic fields and blue light should become more objective.
• The scientifically justifiable worries should not be dismissed as scare tactics, hostility to technology or ignorance.
• As a particularly sensitive group, children and young people must be protected because they use the technology frequently and for a long time in everyday life and also start using it earlier and earlier.”
3) A member sent in this photo of satellites in the night sky above Homer, Alaska. Soon it will be difficult to see the stars beyond the satellite-filled sky.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to the rich state of equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago. If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos.” E. O. Wilson