2017-10-27 Another power surge that caused smeters to explode and burn.

[Aclara Technologies – Appliances – BC Hydro – BC Safety Authority – Behavioural Problems – Bill Gates – Bills – Canadian Paediatric Society – Carl-Henric Svanberg – Cell Phones – Children – CSA Certification – Dave Maxfield & Ron Core, Hydro One – Doctor David Carpenter – Don Plowright – EMFs – Fires Insurance – Health Canada … Continue reading 2017-10-27 Another power surge that caused smeters to explode and burn.


[5G – Anca Gurzu – Bob Rudis, Rapid7 – Brain Tumours – Cell Towers – CERT Computer Emergency Readiness Team – Chakib Bekara – Cisco Systems Inc. & Juniper Networks Inc. Routers – Consumer Affairs Commission – CTIA – DOE – Doctor Joel Moskowitz – Electronic Warfare Military Weapons – Ellen Marks, California Alliance for Safer … Continue reading 2017-10-16 ANOTHER MAJOR WIN IN CALIFORNIA — MICROCELL BILL VETOED

2017-10-15 North Korea’s cyber-hacking ability increasing

[5G – Ben Buchanan, The Cybersecurity Dilemma – Bitcoin Exchanges – Brain Tumours – Brian Lord, Government Communications Headquarters – Cambridge Cyber Summit – Cell Phones – Chris Inglis, US Naval Academy – Cyber Attack – Cyberwar – David Abraham, Channel Four – Disability – EHS Symptoms – Electronic Warfare – EMF Safety Network – … Continue reading 2017-10-15 North Korea’s cyber-hacking ability increasing

2017-07-09 Compare German cell phone warnings with Health Canada’s and Perry Kendall’s

[BC Hydro – BfS German Radiation Protection Agency – Cell Phones SAR – Children – Doctor Perry Kendall – EHS & Brain Scans – EMFs – FortisBC – GMS – HESA – Letter to Jane Philpott / Reply from Tim Singer re Safety Code 6 & Health Canada Statements re CBC’s Marketplace with Wendy Mesley … Continue reading 2017-07-09 Compare German cell phone warnings with Health Canada’s and Perry Kendall’s

2017-06-27 Firefighters in California exempted from having microcells at fire stations.

[5G – BC Hydro – BC MLA Contact List – Brain Scans – California Assembly Members Contact List – Cell Towers – EHS – FCC Telecommunications Act of 1996 (Sec 704) – FortisBC – GCHQ – Health – IAFF International Association of Fire Fighters – Kaspersky Lab – Letters from Susan Foster, EM-Radiation Research Trust, … Continue reading 2017-06-27 Firefighters in California exempted from having microcells at fire stations.

2017-06-14 In some US states, bills are being pushed through re. microcells and 5G. Here, there is no debate at all.

[5G – ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable Principle – American Cancer Society – Brain Glioma Tumours – Children – Corruption – DNA – EHS – ELF – HB 310 Microcells / Small Cells Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Health Canada Statements re CBC’s Marketplace with Wendy Mesley on Cell Phones – Heart Schwannomas – … Continue reading 2017-06-14 In some US states, bills are being pushed through re. microcells and 5G. Here, there is no debate at all.