Newsletters 2020-11 NOV

2020-11-01 –  Croft, Chair of ICNIRP, a psychologist 2020-11-02 –  Using cellphone 17 min. per day for 10 years increases risk of tumours 2020-11-03 –  Warning of exponential increase RF 2020-11-04 –  Drones beaming 5G?? 2020-11-05 –  Class Action re. iPhone Fails 2020-11-06 –  No Newsletter 2020-11-07 – South Koreans find 5G falling short 2020-11-08 … Continue reading Newsletters 2020-11 NOV

Newsletters 2020-07 JUL

2020-07-01 – No Newsletter – Happy Canada Day! 2020-07-02 – CREST tower application for Metchosin 2020-07-03 –  FCC in telecom industry’s pocket 2020-07-04 –  WHO allows us to be used as guinea pigs 2020-07-05 –  “Microwave Sickness” makes it into dictionary 2020-07-06 –  US departments told FCC RF guidelines inadequate, dangerous to living things 2020-07-07 … Continue reading Newsletters 2020-07 JUL

2020-06-24 A Proactive Antenna Siting and Small Cell Licensing document

1) Oona McOuat, aided by some other members, has provided 2 excellent and important documents to help municipalities prepare for the advance of the 5G grid by Telus, Bell, and others throughout BC and Canada. Creating a Proactive Antenna Siting Protocol & Small Cell Licensing Agreement – Getting it wrong in “Getting it right: … Continue reading 2020-06-24 A Proactive Antenna Siting and Small Cell Licensing document