2021-03-06 “Smart Keys” and Pacemakers/defibrillators

1) Further info from Dr. Ron Kostoff re. cars and EMFs.                         [see 2) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-03-01-emf-and-cars/        &       1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-03-02-dr-magda-havas-needs-volunteers/] He told me that he was able to have everything in his car disabled except the tire pressure monitoring system, which is required by law in the USA. Then he found that … Continue reading 2021-03-06 “Smart Keys” and Pacemakers/defibrillators

Newsletters 2021-02 FEB

  2021-02-01 –  Dear Greta #13 — 5G Fake News 2021-02-02 –  CBS “60 Minutes” — IoT, 5G, our data 2021-02-03  – The co-opting of BBC’s “Green Planet” by 5Gers 2021-02-04 –  Important letter re. 5G 2021-02-05 –  Cardiologists warning about iPhone12 2021-02-06 –  SwissCom misleads re knowledge of EMR health risk 2021-02-07 –  No … Continue reading Newsletters 2021-02 FEB

2021-01-14 Details about precedent-setting Dutch court decision

1) In the Jan. 2 Update [2) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-01-02-rf-radiation-smeters/], there was an article about this decision that resulted from a complaint from a woman suffering EHS. (Google translation of: https://www.msn.com/nl-nl/nieuws/binnenland/e2-80-99stralingszieken-e2-80-99-blij-uitspraak-van-rechter-over-5g-zendmast-doorbraak/ar-BB1cmvfD) This was a precedent-setting case for this country, and perhaps some of the information shared below could help us. Dutch court: possibly increased health risks … Continue reading 2021-01-14 Details about precedent-setting Dutch court decision


2021-01-01 –  No Newsletter – Happy New Year! 2021-01-02 –  RF radiation & Smeters 2021-01-03 – Cell phones, fertility and pregnancy 2021-01-04 –  Learn how to find cell transmitters 2021-01-05 –  Response to FCC’s proposal for 5G 2021-01-06 –  Internet of Bodies 2021-01-07 –  More Tools from 5G Crisis  2021-01-08 –  Vulnerability of IoT devices, … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2021-01 JAN

2020-11-11 Dutch panel with ICNIRP vice chair urges caution re. 5G

1) ARPANSA is Australia’s equivalent to Health Canada and, like Health Canada, accepts ICNIRP’s premise that heating is the only harmful effect, which means non-thermal radiation is not a problem. In their “review” of studies, ARPANSA, like Health Canada, cherry picks studies to support this premise and ignores studies that don’t. I shared this article … Continue reading 2020-11-11 Dutch panel with ICNIRP vice chair urges caution re. 5G