1) As you know, hundreds of cell phones still on the market and being used widely in North America are in violation of Safety Code 6 and the FCC standards. I have been pursuing with both Health Canada and ISED — being stonewalled by both. ISED claims that phones are tested but that the results/audit reports are not available to the public. My correspondence with Health Canada and ISED is in the link below. I am going to be requesting access to the audit reports (which I really doubt exist) via an FOI request. It could take months to get any response. Meanwhile, another member is pursuing as well, with the HESA committee. Her letters are below.
This failure of ISED and Health Canada to take actions, at a minimum to inform the public about these excessive emissions, is indicative that these departments are captured agencies beholden to the telecoms. I hope that some of you will consider writing to your MPs [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/canada-contact-e-mail-lists/] about this, perhaps also to the HESA committee [using previous link, scroll down to “HESA members” for the complete list]. For those who don’t know, this committee has oversight of Health Canada (supposedly), but when HC ignores recommendations, there are no ramifications.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Is it not time to hold this committee responsible for the dangers to which we are exposed? Why are the MPs, the Minister of Health, and the Prime Minister allowing this committee to have no teeth? And this has been true under several governments.
2) Sent from a member about some webinars being put on by CELA (https://cela.ca/) which is a non-profit legal group working in Ontario. It, like EcoJustice, has participated in lawsuits that have resulted in increased protection of environment and health.
“CELA works toward protecting public health and the environment by seeking justice for those harmed by pollution or poor decision-making and by changing policies to prevent problems in the first place. Since 1970, CELA has used legal tools, conducted public legal education, undertaken groundbreaking research, and advocated for increased environmental protection and to safeguard communities”
“Dr. Meg Sears posted: “A very important series of webinars on the Canadian Environmental Protection Act hosted by the Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA).”
Regardless whether or not EMFs will be discussed, I’m thinking these seminars will be good education for us about how-to-talk-the-talk regarding environmental issues. The webinars are free.”
Information about each session is available at:
Registration is available at this link:
Webinar Series – Changes to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act to Protect Vulnerable Populations from Hazardous Chemicals
Webinar #1 (Nov 5, 1:00pm Eastern Time) – Timely Change and Need: Justifying and Adopting Environmental Rights in Canadian Environmental Law.
Webinar #2 (Nov 12, 1:00pm Eastern Time) – Are Vulnerable Populations Protected from Hazardous Chemicals in Canada? Why a New Approach is Needed.
Webinar #3 (Nov 26, 1:00pm Eastern Time) – How can modern science intercept environmental contributors to chronic diseases? Gaps and solutions for chemical regulation. Meg will be presenting in this session.
Here is Meg’s submission re. the Environmental Protection Act. On pg. 11-12 she discusses non-ionizing radiation, and on pg. 14 begins discussion about the general failure in the systematic review of evidence re. harm and establishment of adequate guidelines including Safety Code 6.
3) On Nov. 3, at 7 am PT, there will a webinar where we will have a chance to listen to Rodney Croft, Chair of ICNIRP, and others give their opinions why EMR and 5G are safe. It is important to be able to know what they are telling others, like Health Canada, if we are ever going to be able to make inroads into fighting this unofficial, industry-affiliated group that influences government and health agencies around the world. Experts have been attempting to do this for some time, and here is a report by Drs. Hardell and Nyberg, which I shared when it was first published last January. It might be worthwhile to read it again prior to the webinar.
Appeals that matter or not on a moratorium on the deployment of the fifth generation, 5G, for microwave radiation
“Over the years, numerous international appeals on radiofrequency (RF) radiation and health and the environment have been published (e.g., www.emfscientist.org). These seem to have had little or no impact on those proposing limits on RF radiation and on the deployment of this technology. On the contrary, ambient RF radiation exposure has increased and is a potential health risk based on the current knowledge of the biological effects of RF radiation (1‑8). There seems to be an ‘unholy’ alliance between the telecom industry and certain scientists, organizations (even WHO), and some politicians, thus reducing the potential for precautionary actions.”

– https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/the-secret-inside-your-phone-by-wendy-mesley-cbc-marketplace-march-24-2017/
From: “Janis Hoffmann” <iknowjanis@shaw.ca>
To: “Ron McKinnon” <Ron.McKinnon@parl.gc.ca>
Cc: “Michelle Rempel” <Michelle.Rempel@parl.gc.ca>, “Luc Theriault” <Luc.Theriault@parl.gc.ca>, “John Barlow” <John.Barlow@parl.gc.ca>, “don davies” <don.davies@parl.gc.ca>, “Chris dEntremont” <Chris.dEntremont@parl.gc.ca>, “Darren Fisher” <Darren.Fisher@parl.gc.ca>, “Mike Kelloway” <Mike.Kelloway@parl.gc.ca>, “Larry Maguire” <Larry.Maguire@parl.gc.ca>, “Marcus Powlowski” <Marcus.Powlowski@parl.gc.ca>, “Sonia Sidhu” <Sonia.Sidhu@parl.gc.ca>, “Tony VanBynen” <Tony.VanBynen@parl.gc.ca>, “Alistair MacGregor” <Alistair.MacGregor@parl.gc.ca>
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2020 12:05:03 PM
Subject: Why is ISED not doing anything about cell phones that are in violation of Safety Code 6 guidelines for radiation exposure?
Dear Ron McKinnon,
We have received no response from 11 staff members of the ISED, Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, Deputy Minister, Simon Kennedy, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, Paul Thompson, Associate Deputy Minister, Ana Maia, Corporate Secretary, Dawn Lumley-Myllari, Audit and Evaluation Branch Director General, Legal Services, Alain Vauclair, Senior General Counsel and Executive Director, Mitch Davies, Industry Sector Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Industry Sector, Mary Gregory, Associate Assistant Deputy Minister, Charles Vincent, Industry Sector Associate Assistant Deputy Minister, Andrea Johnston, Innovation Canada Assistant Deputy Minister and Luc Delorme, Senior Director in the Spectrum Management Operations Branch, who were all individually addressed.

Parents, teachers and students want to know why the ISED has failed to do its due diligence by allowing thousands of innocent children to press these cell phones against their heads, hold them against their reproductive organs and other vital organs, and store them in their pockets when we know these cell phones are in violation of the Safety Code 6 guidelines?

Is it not the duty of the ISED to protect the public by enforcing these guidelines and take immediate action to recall these cell phones? If not, who is responsible?
Just in: A test by Penumbra Brands to measure how much wireless radiation an iPhone 11 Pro gives off found that the phone emits more than twice the amount allowable by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
… the Tribune and Penumbra both used off-the-shelf phones, the FCC largely tested phones supplied by the manufacturers, including Apple.
Janis Hoffmann
Parents for Safe Schools
——– Forwarded Message ——–
Subject: Fwd: Why is ISED not doing anything about cell phones that in violation of Safety Code 6 guidelines for radiation exposure?
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2020 19:32:00 -0700
From: Janis Hoffmann <iknowjanis@shaw.ca>
To: ISI.minister-ministre.ISI@canada.ca
Dear Navdeep Bains,
Parents, teachers and students want to know why the ISED is not educating thousands of innocent children on the safe use of cell phones and allowing them to press these cell phones against their heads, holding them against their reproductive organs and other vital organs, and storing them in their pockets when we know these devices are emitting 4 – 11 times over the current Safety Code 6 guidelines?
We are waiting for a response.
Janis Hoffmann
Parents for Safe Schools
——– Forwarded Message ——–
Subject: Why is ISED not doing anything about cell phones that in violation of Safety Code 6 guidelines for radiation exposure?
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2020 15:51:10 -0700
From: Janis Hoffmann <iknowjanis@shaw.ca>
To: ISI.minister-ministre.ISI@canada.ca
Dear Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry,
Brian Ahier, Director Radiation Protection Bureau, in response to our letter said, “There are no standards applicable to cell phones or other wireless communication devices under the Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations. In Canada, the regulation of cell phones and other wireless communication devices is the responsibility of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), under the Radiocommunication Act. To ensure that public exposures fall within acceptable guidelines, ISED has developed regulatory standards that require compliance with the human exposure limits outlined in Safety Code 6. ISED conducts regular audits to help ensure that devices on the market and antenna installations are compliant.
We want to know why the ISED has failed to do its due diligence by allowing cell phones to be brought onto the market without any independent, practical/realistic-use safety testing?
We want to know why the manufacturers of cell phones are allowed to self report and only have to submit a sample of one new phone, sent directly from the factory, to comply with exposure standards that has been set by the industry?
We want to know why the federally mandated warnings and safety disclaimers are not made available to the public on the outside of the packaging at the point of sale and on the Health Canada website?
We want to know why the ISED is not educating thousands of innocent children on the safe use of cell phones and allowing them to press these cell phones against their heads, holding them against their reproductive organs and other vital organs, and storing them in their pockets when we know these devices are emitting 4 – 11 times over the current Safety Code 6 guidelines?
The Chicago Tribune recently did an independent investigation into the cell phone scandal (Phonegate) and confirmed the findings that iPhone 7 and other smart phones exceeded the Safety Code 6 guidelines for radiation exposure (SAR at 1.6 W/kg at 5mm). Apple and Samsung are knowingly selling products that exceed allowable radiation limits and have failed to warn its consumers regarding radiation risks and the need to keep the phone at a safe distance away from the body.
“The Chicago investigation confirms what the French National Agency has warned about for some time now that 90% of all the major cellphones tested (more than 450) emitted significantly higher levels of radiation exceeding the safety compliance standards, up to 5 times the current guidelines when phones are tested as they are used in real life. The current guidelines for the manufacturers is based on the 1990’s when people wore their standard flip phone on their hip in a holster about 1“ away from your body.
In a recent study by Professor Om Gandhi, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, he examined data from 450 cell phones and also confirmed that the phone can exceed the guidelines and emitted up to 11 times over the US FCC limit when used under realistic conditions.
France has asked the European Commission to strengthen the regulations and guidelines for new mobile phones placed on the market. As recommended by ANSES, the Government has requested that the certification tests be carried out in regards to the contact with the device, and not at 5 mm as is currently the case, so that they are more representative of the real exposure of users. France also asked for an information campaign to encourage changes in ways of use, especially among children.
The Italian court ordered the government (Ministries of the Environment and Education) to launch a campaign to advise the public of the health risks from mobile and cordless phones.

We want to know why your department is protecting the profits of a billion-dollar industry by allowing the sale of products on the market that exceed the federal guidelines, Safety Code 6 and not the health and well being of our children?
Looking forward to your response to our concerning questions.
Janis Hoffmann
Parents for Safe Schools
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons.” R. Buckminster Fuller