2019-11-18 France reporting increase in glioblastomas

1)  Many countries have reported steady and concerning increases in the rates of brain cancers, especially glioblastomas.  There is no reason to doubt that the same thing is happening here in Canada. Information about brain cancer and some victims of this horrible microwave radiation-related disease is being gathered on our website   https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/brain-cancer/ Brain cancers : 4 times more … Continue reading 2019-11-18 France reporting increase in glioblastomas

2019-11-08 Israel bans cell phones from primary schools

1)  A very short and effective YouTube that should be shared with any young parents or those who wish to become parents. Protect Your Pregnancy From Wireless Radiation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp3OATqXXR4&feature=youtu.be    (3:06 min.) 2)   Excellent news that cell and smart phones are being banned from primary schools in Israel.  Nothing about Wi-Fi being included in this … Continue reading 2019-11-08 Israel bans cell phones from primary schools

2019-09-11 5G technology could impede hurricane forecasting

1)  5G technology is dangerous in so many ways, yet the industry is pushing forward with its agenda. Health, invasion of privacy, pollution of the environment and interfering with weather forecasting.  There are no benefits that can justify these risks. Hurricane tracking technology is about to regress 30 years, thanks to 5G cell networks 5G networks will … Continue reading 2019-09-11 5G technology could impede hurricane forecasting