2021-06-01 Time Sensitive: Zoom Wed. 3 PM Pittsfield Board of Health cell tower health effects forum

1) Tomorrow, Wednesday June 02 at 6 PM EST or 3 PM PT, there will be a major presentation, in essence a public forum on health effects associated with cell towers. Several people became ill after a Verizon cell tower was activated in Pittsfield, MA. Below are 2 letters with full details. For the many … Continue reading 2021-06-01 Time Sensitive: Zoom Wed. 3 PM Pittsfield Board of Health cell tower health effects forum

2020-06-02 – 3 very interesting letters

I’ve been gathering some very interesting and significant letters and this update is devoted to some of them. _______________________________________________________________________ Object: Symptoms of Electrohypersensitive patients – These are symptoms of Microwave Sickness / EHS and NOT symptoms of Covid-19 (click on photos to enlarge)                   “I am beginning to see publications presenting these EHS symptoms … Continue reading 2020-06-02 – 3 very interesting letters

Update 2020-05-16 – Telus’s “pure fibre” vs. a true fiber optic network

Over 4,000 people have signed the Appeal. In case you haven’t, or haven’t shared, please do:   https://www.appel5gappeal.ca/ 1) As we know, Telus has been pushing its “fiber optic cable” very aggressively, even threatening people with loss of service if they objected to having whatever it is they are installing in homes. There is confusion … Continue reading Update 2020-05-16 – Telus’s “pure fibre” vs. a true fiber optic network