2014-12-12 More blow back from the Ontario AG report.

1)   People are starting to ask the right questions about the RF radiation from $$meters. http://www.foxsanantonio.com/news/features/top-stories/stories/new-changes-smart-meter-opt-out-policy-8769.shtml#.VInqbbl0zbh   2)   Ontario Premier and Energy minister seem to be ready to ignore the AG’s report and recommendations. More feedback. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/bob-chiarelli-zapped-for-calling-energy-sector-too-complex-for-bonnie-lysyk-1.2867484 http://ottawacitizen.com/opinion/columnists/reevely-smart-meter-fiasco-brings-out-the-worst-in-bob-chiarelli Video: “smart meters ineffective”  http://video.theloop.ca/watch/smart-meters-are-ineffective/3933021399001?sort=date&page=1#.VIs1qrl0zbh   3)   A response re. fires from Adrian Dix that shows that … Continue reading 2014-12-12 More blow back from the Ontario AG report.

2014-11-15 Excellent video about corruption in agencies like WHO explains why RF is everywhere

An amazing new video is available to watch online for $5 (or the DVD costs $25 US). It’s called “Microwaves, Science and Lies” and can be found at  https://vimeo.com/ondemand/17755/89417454 People who have seen it highly recommend it to show how corruption in the agencies we trust to protect us has led to the situation where … Continue reading 2014-11-15 Excellent video about corruption in agencies like WHO explains why RF is everywhere

2014-11-14 Fire report, Hydro paid for damages, with our money, and lied about it to us.

I am continuing to request fire reports and to submit Freedom of Information requests to obtain more evidence that fires and meter failures have occurred. The reports are often vague, but today I obtained one that I think gives sufficient information for us all to be angry, and to demand that these meters be removed. … Continue reading 2014-11-14 Fire report, Hydro paid for damages, with our money, and lied about it to us.

2014-11-11 A lot of information on EHS

An interview with Dr. Belpomme who has a clinic in Switzerland to diagnose and treat people suffering from electro-hypersensitivity (EHS) . http://www.beperkdestraling.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1055%3Ainterview-with-dr-dominique-belpomme-by-radio-canada-on-electromagnetic-fields-and-electrosensitivity-&catid=69%3Aelektrogevoeligheid&Itemid=249   Further on a home fire where sparks were seen shooting from the ITRON smart meter by a neighbour just before the house began to burn. I have confirmed that the meters installed … Continue reading 2014-11-11 A lot of information on EHS

2014-11-06 BC HYDRO has no winter moratorium for cutting power off

URGENT: BC Hydro (via Ted Olynyk) has misled by telling the Comox Valley Record that there is a winter moratorium on disconnections. From an insider: on the line crews….we have disconnected power for non payment,at any time of the year, and in all weather conditions…I do not believe you will find any directives, stating that … Continue reading 2014-11-06 BC HYDRO has no winter moratorium for cutting power off