2015-01-02 Hydro is refunding the failed installation fee if the expired meter is exchanged

    1)   A very important document by Dr. Pall, in which he says among other things that smeters should be abolished. This should be circulated widely, to MLAs, MPs, to health officials like Perry Kendall and his successor, and with your doctors. [Pulsing digital] “Smart meters” should be abolished because they use short high-intensity … Continue reading 2015-01-02 Hydro is refunding the failed installation fee if the expired meter is exchanged

2014-12-30 Quebecers can get analogs back for $15 and pay opt out of $5

1)   What’s the trend for 2015 in our homes?  Marketing companies are rubbing their hands together in anticipation: http://www.smartmeters.com/smart-home-personal-device-trends-2015/ In the UK, privacy seems to be a major concern: http://www.cbronline.com/news/security/uk-consumers-worried-smart-meters-pose-cybercrime-risk-4476025   2)   Please vote at the bottom of this CBC article, which asks for the most important story of the year in Sask. CBC Saskatchewan: … Continue reading 2014-12-30 Quebecers can get analogs back for $15 and pay opt out of $5

2014-12-27 A victory in Quebec, a collector moved

————————————————————————— 1)   In Quebec, a couple fought  (and won) to have the collector that was installed on their property removed after the wife became ill. See below the letters for a translation of a CBC article, thanks to Andre Fauteux. In BC, Hydro has planned on having 1800 collectors put on poles in neighbourhoods. Check … Continue reading 2014-12-27 A victory in Quebec, a collector moved

2014-12-17 EHS and Human Rights

1)   There is a  worldwide electronic petition in motion  currently directed towards the World Health Organization asking them to reclassify EMF-RF from a Class 2B to a Class 1 Carcinogen, based on the findings of the leading independent expert in the field Dr Lennart Hardell.  Please take 5 minutes to read, sign and share this important petition. https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/IARC_WHO_Move_Radio_Frequency_Radiation_from_Class_2b_to_Class_1/?tZYBMib … Continue reading 2014-12-17 EHS and Human Rights

2014-12-21 Idaho has wired meters that are safer and each one cost $400 less than ours

1)   A member has done some digging into wired “stupid” grids as a result of Hydro’s having close to 50,000 smeters that are being read manually, and most likely will be read manually. He found the attached article by someone in the Idaho wired smeter project. Wireless meters’ signals are not strong enough to communicate … Continue reading 2014-12-21 Idaho has wired meters that are safer and each one cost $400 less than ours