Microwave Oven Radiation Test

We all know that Microwave ovens cook food by beaming high levels of microwave radiation (MWR) into an enclosed space in which food is placed.  This MWR heats up the water molecules and “bingo” the food gets cooked.  There are some major concerns about the changes in the food that may have impacts on our … Continue reading Microwave Oven Radiation Test

2019-01-13 – 20,000 satellites circling the earth all with multiple 5G transmitters

1)    Approval has been given and preparations are underway to begin to put 20,000 satellites with phased array antennae shooting milliwave radiation to every point on earth.  Radiation is not the only cause for major concern. The rockets will use a mercury-based fuel that is a neurotoxin. Damage to the environment and to all living … Continue reading 2019-01-13 – 20,000 satellites circling the earth all with multiple 5G transmitters

2019-01-03 A cancer cluster in small area of Indiana with at least 143 cell transmitters

1)   We should all celebrate that word is getting around about 5G technology, much more quickly that I would have expected. Word of mouth is paying off!!  We must keep talking with every level of government as well as our friends and family – this technology is not safe and must not be outside our … Continue reading 2019-01-03 A cancer cluster in small area of Indiana with at least 143 cell transmitters

BC Averaging 60+ Smart Meter Incidents a Year. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – November 21, 2018

[5G Microcell / Small Cell Towers Siting – BCUC – Bsquare Software – Cancer Societies – Cell Phones – Claire Trevena – Clean Energy Act – Consumption Measurement – Data for Sale – Disability – EHS / ES Lawsuit (Work-related Handicap) – Electric Tariff – FCC – FortisBC – Fire Report by Sharon Noble (Problem Warnings: … Continue reading BC Averaging 60+ Smart Meter Incidents a Year. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – November 21, 2018