2019-04-26 5G closer to going live in Vancouver

1)  Telus says 5G pilot’s success means Vancouver will have 5G sooner than other places. In fact, Vancouver will become 5G’s “living lab” and millions will be its guinea pigs. TELUS and Huawei Complete Successful 5G Wireless Pilot “TELUS has announced today along with its partner Huawei, they have successful completed their 5G wireless pilot using the global 3GPP technology standards … Continue reading 2019-04-26 5G closer to going live in Vancouver

Looking to sell utility billing data to lenders, Urjanet rakes in $20 million

(click on photos to enlarge) “Urjanet’s technology is used to track cost and usage information from 4,000 utilities in 30 countries. That data collected from electric, gas, telecommunications, water, and waste providers, is used by small and medium-sized businesses, and multinational companies, to automate accounting and bill processing, manage energy costs, and comply with reporting … Continue reading Looking to sell utility billing data to lenders, Urjanet rakes in $20 million

2019-04-05 An important letter re. BCCDC report (2013)

1)    “Paul Heroux, professor of toxicology and health effects of electromagnetism at Department of Surgery, McGill University Health Centre, Canada, speaks with Down To Earth about adoption of 5G will be detrimental towards people’s health.”  Fiber optic cable is so much better, faster and safer, so why is industry pushing wireless?  Because it’s cheaper. And if they … Continue reading 2019-04-05 An important letter re. BCCDC report (2013)

2019-02-06 Another Glioblastoma victim – Former MP dead at age 56

1) Another victim of glioblastoma [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/brain-cancer/],the brain cancer directly associated with cell phone usage, former MP Paul Dewar died at age 56 [see 2) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-06-13-a-retired-mp-is-another-glioblastoma-victim/]. This is the same cancer that has killed many people, including US. Senators John McCain and Ed Kennedy, Gord Downie.  Health Canada and the cancer societies refuse to acknowledge the … Continue reading 2019-02-06 Another Glioblastoma victim – Former MP dead at age 56

Newsletters 2019-02 FEB

  2019-02-01-   Smeter software failures 2019-02-02 – Major BC Hydro project(s) without contract bidding?? 2019-02-03  –  Smeter software potentially dangerous consequences explained 2019-02-04 –  Is Huawei licensed to provide internet in BC??? 2019-02-05 –  UK Warning re. 5G satellites 2019-02-06 –  Another Glioblastoma victim – Former MP dead at age 56 2019-02-07 –  Huawei’s growing threat 2019-02-08 … Continue reading Newsletters 2019-02 FEB