1) Telus says 5G pilot’s success means Vancouver will have 5G sooner than other places. In fact, Vancouver will become 5G’s “living lab” and millions will be its guinea pigs.
TELUS and Huawei Complete Successful 5G Wireless Pilot
“TELUS has announced today along with its partner Huawei, they have successful completed their 5G wireless pilot using the global 3GPP technology standards platform.
The wireless carrier calls this “one of the most advanced connections yet made using technologies that will form the standard for global 5G.”…
The timeline for 5G wireless networks to become available commercially is in early 2020, but TELUS says its customers in Vancouver will have early access to these technologies thanks to the home base of the 5G Living Lab.”
2) A good article that explains how wired grids are greatly preferred over wireless ones. The benefits of wired are significant as are the dangers of wireless.
Broadband For All: Closing the Digital Divide in BC Without Big Telecom
BC’s remote and coastal communities have a golden opportunity to keep their internet service –and profits — in local hands.
“Wireless networks and services, compared to wired access, are inherently more complex, more costly, more unstable (subject to frequent revision and ‘upgrades’), and more constrained in what they can deliver.”
3) In response to last night‘s update
[1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2019-04-25-hydro-and-fortis-linked-to-company-that-sells-smeter-data/] about Urjanet’s use of stolen data provided by utilities like BC Hydro and FortisBC, a member recommended this book (which I have not yet read).
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power
(click on photo to enlarge)

4) The Appeal to the UN now has more than 63,000 signatures, many of which have signed as individuals. Several months ago, I signed on behalf of the Coalition but failed to sign as an individual. I did so today. I hope you will consider signing on, too. Numbers do count.
INTERNATIONAL APPEAL Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
https://www.5gspaceappeal.org/sign-here (sign here)
5) Shamefully erroneous information on this “health site” regarding cell phones. Sounds as if it were written by the industry or a cancer society. Hopefully, this doesn’t have many viewers but I commented and I hope you will consider joining me.
Risk factors of brain tumour you should know about
Many people used to believe that mobile phones are one of the main reasons behind brain cancer; however, a recent study conducted at the Oxford University suggests that mobile phone doesn’t play a role in damaging your cells.
6) Please consider adding your comment to those discussing the issue on SSI. There are a lot of people new to the topic of EMR.
Concerns Raised Over Planned Capitol Regional District Emergency Services Radio Tower (CREST)
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
Word of mouth is our best weapon — So shoot it off!