2021-05-11 Canadian govt & “Biodigital Convergence”

1) When a member sent me this link, I didn’t think it was real. It reads like science fiction or something conspiracy theorists would circulate. But upon searching, I found that, indeed, this government department appears to be real. https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/news/2019/06/policy-horizons-canada-releasesthe-future-of-work-and-the-next-digital-economy-reports.html Much of the work in this area depends on huge amounts of data, from all … Continue reading 2021-05-11 Canadian govt & “Biodigital Convergence”

2021-04-19 New paper re. Covid and 5G/RF–immune health effects

1) A map that purports to show the various wireless networks, 2G-5G, by carrier According to this, there is virtually no 5G service in Victoria at this time, but most of the area is blanketed by 4G. Many areas of Canada are available as are other countries. https://www.nperf.com/en/map/CA/6174041.Victoria/-/signal/ 2) Dr. Magda Havas and Angela Tsiang … Continue reading 2021-04-19 New paper re. Covid and 5G/RF–immune health effects

2021-04-16 The next step in 5G

1) The next step in 5G — standalone without the support of 4G. This version will reduce latency to 5 milliseconds, meaning users can download movies and games more quickly. Changes in 5G technology are occurring and we still don’t know the consequences of the first version. ENCQOR 5G and Ericsson Deploy Standalone 5G Network … Continue reading 2021-04-16 The next step in 5G