2016-10-11 Is Hydro really testing meters when customers believe they are running fast?

1)    A member found this website with experiences of people who are sensitive, and what they’ve learned that helps them to cope in this horribly hostile environment. https://beingelectrosensitive.blogspot.ca/2016/10/finding-medical-therapy-for-ehs.html 2)    Parents confront cell towers on schools and hopefully they will apply their concern to the Wi-Fi in school rooms, too. http://stopsmartmeters.org/2016/10/05/wireless-corporations-face-rebellion-from-parents-teachers-kids/ 3)    In every place where … Continue reading 2016-10-11 Is Hydro really testing meters when customers believe they are running fast?


2016-10-01 – New Jersey Ed. Ass. re. Health Risks from electronic devices 2016-10-02 – BCHydro’s financial report proves incompetence 2016-10-03 – More warnings from American Academy of Pediatrics 2016-10-04 – Time to prepare for 5G. 2016-10-05 – Environmental Sensitivities Symposium (free) 2016-10-06 – Cell towers on schools 2016-10-07 – Australian smeter group pushed health authority … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2016-10 OCT

2016-09-28 New Jersey Ed. Assoc. warning parents and teachers re. Wi-Fi

1)    From a member, a cartoon from Norway that sounds just like Health Canada. Here is a great comic strip that is being published on the cell phone industry.  The Daily Dose – Den Daglige Dosen http://www.saferemr.com/2016/09/comic-strip-wireless-safety-industry.html 2)    Privacy lost: This from a member, and all of this without his permission. The younger generation is … Continue reading 2016-09-28 New Jersey Ed. Assoc. warning parents and teachers re. Wi-Fi

2016-09-17 Is the fiber optic offering really a bait and switch?

1)    ITRON is celebrating the fact that Measurements Canada has granted a 10 year certification period. Big deal. Analogs were certified for 12 years. Why hasn’t ITRON submitted the smeters to CSA for certification that they are safe? What are they hiding?  BTW, I submitted a comment which was removed. https://www.metering.com/news/itron-smart-meters-certification/ 2)    CUPE is suing … Continue reading 2016-09-17 Is the fiber optic offering really a bait and switch?

2016-09-12 Solar Power info from Timothy Schoechle

1)    Katie Singer, author of “Electronic Silent Spring” (and who receives these updates) asked Dr. Timothy Schoechle, author of “Getting Smarter about the Smart Grid” some important questions about use of solar power. Her questions and his responses are below in “Letters”. 2)    Concerns are being raised about the extremely high frequencies that the US  … Continue reading 2016-09-12 Solar Power info from Timothy Schoechle

Newsletters 2016-09 SEP

2016-09-01 – Major Smart Meter Security Report 2016-09-02 – BC’s public health website is out-of-date and dangerously misleading 2016-09-03 – In USA, emission levels exceed already dangerously high allowable limits 2016-09-04 – Who owns our data? 2016-09-05 – Heavy use of computers in schools found to reduce learning. 2016-09-06 – National Toxicology Program confirms DNA … Continue reading Newsletters 2016-09 SEP