Newsletters 2016-08 AUG

2016-08-01 – BCUC admits smeter incidents are not properly investigated. 2016-08-02 – Final segment – BCUC admits BC Hydro doesn’t have to certify meters to be safe. 2016-08-03 – BCUC’s final response 2016-08-04 – Hidden warnings in manuals 2016-08-05 – Spanish court recognizes EHS 2016-08-06 – New “super $$meter” in California 2016-08-07 – Deadline extended … Continue reading Newsletters 2016-08 AUG

2016-07-27 Segment #17 BCUC admits to there having been 24 “incidents” and maybe more. Isn’t this enough?

1)    This article about cell phones reducing sperm count and motility was circulated a few months ago but a member asked to have it sent around again because it is so important. There are many studies that have shown that sperm are dramatically affected by having cell phones kept in pockets. Remember that cell phones … Continue reading 2016-07-27 Segment #17 BCUC admits to there having been 24 “incidents” and maybe more. Isn’t this enough?

2016-07-25 Segment #15 BCUC admits BC Hydro’s information is not credible

1)    A letter below from Victoria area where Telus is installing fiber optic on private property without having received permission, or even after having received a refusal. I am not a lawyer but this seems to me a possible case of trespass. It is pretty invasive to install something like this “in case” of future … Continue reading 2016-07-25 Segment #15 BCUC admits BC Hydro’s information is not credible

2016-07-16 Segment #7 — proof that BC Hydro is removing meters from fires that appear to have been caused by $$meters.

1) The US courts are telling the Navy to reduce the sonar to reduce the deaths of marine mammals. This is wonderful, but what about people and the Navy’s wargames?? According to the decision by the Ninth US Circuit Court in San Francisco on Friday, USA officials wrongly allowed the Navy to use sonar at … Continue reading 2016-07-16 Segment #7 — proof that BC Hydro is removing meters from fires that appear to have been caused by $$meters.

BCUC Fire Report – Segment #6 – Smart Meters are exempt from Electrical Safety Regulations

1)   Finally — attempts to protect the power grid from cyber attacks, which are real and possibly devastating to our way of life. Defending against cyber attacks is a mission with new urgency following the Internet-based disruption of Ukraine’s power grid in December 2015—a sophisticated hack planned and executed over more than six months by … Continue reading BCUC Fire Report – Segment #6 – Smart Meters are exempt from Electrical Safety Regulations

2016-07-14 Is the US government in violation of the Nuremberg Code?

1)    This info from Dr. Nagy is not the best that we’ve seen, but at least the topic of EHS is reaching more and more people – which is major.   Hopefully, this will cause many who watched this show to do some investigation on their own. 2)    This might reach some people who don’t … Continue reading 2016-07-14 Is the US government in violation of the Nuremberg Code?

2016-07-13 Judge’s decision available to read.

1)    Judge Adair’s decision can be read at:,85,4472 Will try to have comments soon –  but as CBC below says, the Judge has left the door open. It is not a declaration that $$meters are safe. 2)    Planetworks, which is in the business of supporting companies looking for space to put cell transmitters … Continue reading 2016-07-13 Judge’s decision available to read.