Cellphone companies are placing antennae in residential areas without warning.

Cellphone companies are placing antennae in residential areas without warning. This is a CBC story from 2012 October illustrating the problems that citizens are having with the bully tactics of the cell phone companies. Now is 2017 and similar tactics are being done by the cell phone companies as they are pushing the installation of … Continue reading Cellphone companies are placing antennae in residential areas without warning.


2017-04-01 – A research project for bee keepers re. RF/EMR 2017-04-02 – Security expert testifies that smeters are entrances for cyberattacks. 2017-04-03 – Californians preparing to fight small cells 2017-04-04 – More than 80 cities in Ohio suing re small cells 2017-04-05 – Studies show plants react physiologically to weak RF exposure 2017-04-06 – In … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2017-04 APR