2017-05-26 Dr. Timothy Schoechle speaks about smeters being a scam by the utilities

[5G – Chiropractors Kristen Walton & Matthew Christ, Anderson Management Services – Cornet Meter – Dirty Electricity – Doctor Timothy Schoechle Interview by André Fauteux – Duke Energy Analog Meters Opt Out – EHS – EMR – Fibre Optics – IoT Hacking – Les Evans Letter re Tiered Hydro & Water Bills – No Energy … Continue reading 2017-05-26 Dr. Timothy Schoechle speaks about smeters being a scam by the utilities

2017-05-14 Fire chief says brain cancer is “presumptive occupational disease for firefighters”

[4G / 5G Cheat Sheet – Catherine Frompovich – Cell Phone Repeaters – Cell Towers – Doctor David Burg – Doug Angrove – Microcells / Small Cells Radiation Health Effects – Ms. Schlappner – PSE Puget Sound Energy Whistleblower – School Principal Tropher Macintosh Bans Cell Phones – Seattle City Light – Town Supervisor Paladino – … Continue reading 2017-05-14 Fire chief says brain cancer is “presumptive occupational disease for firefighters”

2017-05-07 Small Cells / Microcells being used inside arenas, shopping malls

[Andrew Weaver – Christy Clark – David Suzuki – Doctor Anthony Miller – EHS Sleeping Caps Protection Clothing – Election Information – Electrosmog – Elizabeth May – Health – Martin Blank – Microwave Frequency Radiation – National Academy of Sciences – Oona McOuat Letter to BC Green Party and Small Cells / Microcells Presentation to … Continue reading 2017-05-07 Small Cells / Microcells being used inside arenas, shopping malls

2017-05-07 – Small / Microcells being used inside arenas, shopping malls

[Andrew Weaver – Christy Clark – David Suzuki – Doctor Anthony Miller – EHS Sleeping Caps Protection Clothing – Election Information – Electrosmog – Elizabeth May – Health – Martin Blank – Microwave Frequency Radiation – National Academy of Sciences – Oona McOuat Letter to BC Green Party and Small Cells / Microcells Presentation to … Continue reading 2017-05-07 – Small / Microcells being used inside arenas, shopping malls


2017-05-01 – The truth about 5G and why Telus is putting fiber optic cable everywhere. 2017-05-02 – After years of smeters, PG&E sees no energy reduction 2017-05-03 – Perry Kendall, our health officer, says microwave radiation is safe. 2017-05-04 – Scientists are warning about brain tumors 2017-05-05 – At least 22 instances of potential smeter … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2017-05 MAY

2017-04-26 Strong warning about vulnerability of smeters, especially once the ZigBee chip is activated.

[5G – Arizona Center for Advance Medicine – BC Hydro – Christy Clark – Doctor George Patoulis, Athens Medical Association – EHS – EMF Research Overview – EMR – IoT Smart Devices – Jerry Flynn Letter to BC Green Party – John Horgan – Lucas Margaritis – Maria Flouraki – Nigel McPhair –  Rafe Mair … Continue reading 2017-04-26 Strong warning about vulnerability of smeters, especially once the ZigBee chip is activated.

2017-04-12 Cell phone use during pregnancy might be associated with behavioral problems in children

[5G – Andrew Weaver – Autonomous Cars – BC Hydro – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children’s Behavior – Doctor Alasdair Philips – EHS – EMF Safety Network – Elizabeth May – FCC – Fiber Optics – FortisBC – Green Party – Martin Pall – NHTSA V2V Radar RFR – Sam Milham / DE Dirty … Continue reading 2017-04-12 Cell phone use during pregnancy might be associated with behavioral problems in children