2017-06-16 Remind Weaver about his statements re. legacy and opt out fees.

[5G – Andrew Weaver – BC Hydro & FortisBC Opt Out Fees – Ben Hueso & Bill Quirk SB 649 Microcells / Small Cells Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Brain Tumours – Cell Phone Radiation Class Action by Merchant Law Group LLP – Children – Doctor Leif Salford & Blood-Brain Barrier Leak – EHS Symptoms – … Continue reading 2017-06-16 Remind Weaver about his statements re. legacy and opt out fees.

2017- 06-15 Electrical Engineer says UL certification of smeters is a farce

[Alzheimer’s – AT&T – BCUC Online Questionnaire – Bill S.108 Right to Know Legislation re Cell Phones RF Radiation Exposure Guidelines – CSA – Doctor Joseph Mercola – EMF – Erica Hamilton – Itron Openway – Landis+Gyr Explosions & Fires – Letter to West Vancouver Mayor & Council re 5G / Telus Microcells – Mona … Continue reading 2017- 06-15 Electrical Engineer says UL certification of smeters is a farce

2017-06-13 Scientific group discussing exposure to Massive amounts of electrosmog being a criminal act

[5G – Alzheimer’s – AT&T Microcells / Powerlines – Autism – BC Hydro – Birds – Cell Phones – Cyberweapons / CrashOverride & Stuxnet Malware – ECERI European Cancer and Environment Research Institute Newsletter – Electric Grid – Elizabeth May – EMFs – ICC International Criminal Court re Intentional Environmental Pollution Crimes Against Health – … Continue reading 2017-06-13 Scientific group discussing exposure to Massive amounts of electrosmog being a criminal act

2017-06-03 Great microcell flyers to help educate Councils, public.

[BC Hydro – BCUC Complaint Letter re Smart Meters Program – Cell Phones – Costs – CRTC Input – EHT Environmental Health Trust Slides – FCM Federation of Canadian Municipalities – Lloyds of London Insurance Waiver – Microcell Flyers – Safety – Telecoms’ Liability re Wireless Health Lawsuits – UBCM Union of BC Municipalities | … Continue reading 2017-06-03 Great microcell flyers to help educate Councils, public.


2017-06-01 – BCUC wants our feedback 2017-06-02 – Canadian corporations guilty of human rights abuse? 2017-06-03 – Great microcell flyers to help educate Councils, public. 2017-06-04 – Report from france — 9 out of 10 cellphones exceed guidelines. 2017-06-05 – Pender Island cell tower being planned and resisted 2017-06-06 – Doctors are urged to warn … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2017-06 JUN

2017-05-27 New Canadian study reports 558 LIFETIME HOURS of cell phone use doubles risk of brain cancer.

[5G Millimeter Waves – AARP American Association of Retired Persons – AT&T – BC Hydro – Canadian Interphone Studies – CBC’s Marketplace with Wendy Mesley – Devra Davis – Digital Phones – Dirty Electricity – Doctor Anthony Miller – EHS – EHT Environmental Health Trust – Elisabeth Cardis – Glioma Brain Tumour Cancer Risk from … Continue reading 2017-05-27 New Canadian study reports 558 LIFETIME HOURS of cell phone use doubles risk of brain cancer.