2017-07-12 A free lecture series on Cancer by internationally known specialists

[5G – American Academy of Paediatrics – AT&T – Bill Quirk – Bruce Kushnik – Cancer Conference / Lecture Series – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Doctor Aric Sigman‘s Research on ADHD, Autism & Emotional / Behavioural Disorders of Children re Screen-time – Elimination of Landlines & Wired Internet – EMF Refugee – EMR … Continue reading 2017-07-12 A free lecture series on Cancer by internationally known specialists

2017-07-09 Compare German cell phone warnings with Health Canada’s and Perry Kendall’s

[BC Hydro – BfS German Radiation Protection Agency – Cell Phones SAR – Children – Doctor Perry Kendall – EHS & Brain Scans – EMFs – FortisBC – GMS – HESA – Letter to Jane Philpott / Reply from Tim Singer re Safety Code 6 & Health Canada Statements re CBC’s Marketplace with Wendy Mesley … Continue reading 2017-07-09 Compare German cell phone warnings with Health Canada’s and Perry Kendall’s

2017-07-08 Health Canada continues to support erroneous statement on Marketplace.

[5G – Children – HESA – Hippocratic Oath – Letter to Jane Philpott / Reply from Tim Singer re Safety Code 6 & Health Canada Statements re CBC’s Marketplace with Wendy Mesley on Cell Phones – Let’s get Healthy California – Opposition to SB 649 by Sandi Maurer, EMF Safety Network and Mary Beth Brangan, … Continue reading 2017-07-08 Health Canada continues to support erroneous statement on Marketplace.


2017-07-01 – Happy Canada Day! 2017-07-02 – BC ferries increasing “connectivity”. 2017-07-03 – Info about solar electrical systems and their inverters 2017-07-04 – Industry admits smeter growth stunted due to “uncertainties” ! 2017-07-05 – Another report confirms smeters do not provide the benefits promised. 2017-07-06 – French scientist penalized for not revealing conflicts of interest … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2017-07 JUL

2017-06-27 Firefighters in California exempted from having microcells at fire stations.

[5G – BC Hydro – BC MLA Contact List – Brain Scans – California Assembly Members Contact List – Cell Towers – EHS – FCC Telecommunications Act of 1996 (Sec 704) – FortisBC – GCHQ – Health – IAFF International Association of Fire Fighters – Kaspersky Lab – Letters from Susan Foster, EM-Radiation Research Trust, … Continue reading 2017-06-27 Firefighters in California exempted from having microcells at fire stations.

2017-06-20 Parents in schools in California being misled about cell tower and RF, while kids are getting cancer

[Comments Requested by ISED Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada re Gazette Notice SLPB-001-17 5G Millimetre Wave Spectrum – Complaints to BC Hydro Greg Reimer & BCUC Patrick Wruck re Analog Removals – Doctor Perry Kendall – Ellie Marks (California Brain Tumor Association) Letter re School Cell Towers Removal – EMFs – FCC – Initiative … Continue reading 2017-06-20 Parents in schools in California being misled about cell tower and RF, while kids are getting cancer