2017-07-31 US Navy rec’d permission to conduct EMR wargames for the next 5 years.

[911 – Brain Health – Cell Phone Towers –  Citizen Submission Letter to Industry Canada / ISED re Spectrum Auctions for 5G, Gazette Notice SLPB-001-17 – Digital Meter Fires – Doctor Cindy Russell, SCCMA – FCC – Jun Tang – Kanu Megha – Landlines for Emergency – Safety – Liz Sauve, Telus – Pravin Suryakantrao Deshmukh … Continue reading 2017-07-31 US Navy rec’d permission to conduct EMR wargames for the next 5 years.

2017-07-19 New more powerful smeter being installed in areas where current smeters cannot communicate with the grid.

[5G – BC Hydro R Meters Upgrade – Cell Phones – Conflict of Interest – COPPA Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act – EHS Parameters for Diagnosis – Electric Skin Potential (Rash / Inflammation) – EMFs – FBI – Glioblastoma Brain Tumors (Beau Biden, Edward Kennedy, John McCain, Johnnie Cochrane) – Health Canada Safety Code 6 … Continue reading 2017-07-19 New more powerful smeter being installed in areas where current smeters cannot communicate with the grid.

2017-07-16 A major cancer cluster in children — rare brain tumours

[5G Microcells / Small Cells – American Cancer Institute – American National Standards Institute – Appliances – Brandy & Ethan Richardson – Cell Phone Towers – Children – DIPG Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Gliomas Brain Cancer Clusters – Disease Epidemics – Doctor Emilie van Deventer – EHS – Electronic Smog – ELF – Elimination of Landlines … Continue reading 2017-07-16 A major cancer cluster in children — rare brain tumours

Cancer Clusters

Scroll down for articles, victims, etc. – see also:  https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/brain-cancer/  (click on photos to enlarge) Cancer has been shown to be caused by many specific  products in the environment.  Many of these carcinogenic substances have been identified and most are chemical or radioactive elements. Often a number of people in a specific area have suffered … Continue reading Cancer Clusters