2017-08-18 Is the Nuremberg Code being violated when we are used as guinea pigs re. RF?

[Analog – Andrew Mark Cuomo – Andrew Weaver – BCUC – Cancer – Catherine J. Frompovich – Cell Phones & Towers – Children – Competitive Carriers Association (CCA) – Crimes Against Humanity – Data – Deborah Kopald Comment on 6 NYCRR Part 617 to James Eldred re Microcells / Small Cells Microwave Antennas Public Right-of-way … Continue reading 2017-08-18 Is the Nuremberg Code being violated when we are used as guinea pigs re. RF?

2017-08-15 Short-term exposure to same frequency used by Wi-Fi and ZigBee chips can damage pancreas, especially in fetus.

[3G – 4G – 5G – A. Wallace Hayes – BC Hydro Debts / Site C & Smart Metering Program – Children – Cyber War – Danny Hakim – David Michaels – Diabetes – Doctor Joseph M. Mercola – EMR – EPA Environmental Protection Agency – Eric Sachs – Exponent – FortisBC – Gilles-Eric Séralini – … Continue reading 2017-08-15 Short-term exposure to same frequency used by Wi-Fi and ZigBee chips can damage pancreas, especially in fetus.

2017-08-09 People in Washington town allowed to keep analogs permanently.

[5G – 1996 Telecommunications Act – Access Board – Americans with Disabilities Act – Analog Opt-out Meters – AT&T AirGig – Austrian Medical Chamber Opposed BPL Broadband over Power Line / PLC Power Line Communication – Cell Towers Cancer Clusters – Conflict of Interest – CWA Communications Workers of America – DNA Damage – Doctor … Continue reading 2017-08-09 People in Washington town allowed to keep analogs permanently.

Smart Phone Addiction – This changes everything

Cell phones were great.  We could make and receive calls anywhere and any time. Smart phones are very different.  This are basically portable desktop computers that can do EVERYTHING your desire.  Things like view every Cat or Dog video,  Video chat with your 10 friends all day,  text to your friends about everything that you … Continue reading Smart Phone Addiction – This changes everything

2017-08-04 Ad for full time permanent smeter installers due to short lifespan

[1G – 2G – 3G – 4G – BBC One’s Watchdog – BC Hydro Cybersecurity – BEIS Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy – Blood Brain Barrier – Brain Tumours – British Gas – Cell Phones & Towers – Citizen Submission re 5G Microcells to Industry Canada (ISEDC) – EHS – Fires – Health Canada … Continue reading 2017-08-04 Ad for full time permanent smeter installers due to short lifespan


No Update for 2017-08-01 No Update for 2017-08-02 No Update for 2017-08-03 2017-08-04 – Ad for full time permanent smeter installers due to short lifespan No Update for 2017-08-05 2017-08-06 – Resistance to smeters in eastern USA due to health, privacy and cost benefits. 2017-08-08 – California Legislature is accommodating people with EHS. 2017-08-08(a) – … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2017-08 AUG