2017-09-03 A new study shows DNA damage from frequency used by smeters at very low exposure levels.

[5G (Roger Wicker, Brian Schatz) – 1996 Telecommunications Act – AIRWAVES Act (Maggie Hassan, Cory Gardner) for Internet Access – Antennas – Arthur Compton – BioInitiative 2012 – Cancer (Brain & Breast) – Cardiac / Heart – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Doctor Joseph M. Mercola Interviews Martin L. Pall – EHS – EMRABC … Continue reading 2017-09-03 A new study shows DNA damage from frequency used by smeters at very low exposure levels.

2017-09-01 The microcell battle in California now extended to more than 215 cities

[AI Artificial Intelligence – American Cancer Society – Ana Molina – Antennas – Brain Abnormalities – Buddy Mendes – Catherine Kleiber – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – CERENAT, Interphone & NTP Studies – Children – CTIA – Darrel Pyle – Data for Sale – Doctor Anthony B. Miller – EHT – Ellen Marks – … Continue reading 2017-09-01 The microcell battle in California now extended to more than 215 cities

Newsletters 2017-09 SEP

2017-09-01 – The microcell battle in California now extended to more than 215 cities 2017-09-02 – Depression linked to microwave radiation. 2017-09-03 – A new study shows DNA damage from frequency used by smeters at very low exposure levels. No Update for 2017-09-04 2017-09-05 – Telecoms, like Telus and AT&T, are manipulating customers re. fiber … Continue reading Newsletters 2017-09 SEP

2017-08-29 Virtual Reality headsets with smartphones being promoted by public libraries and schools.

[5G Microcells / Small Cells – Abe R. Liboff – Andrew Weaver – Antenna – Appliances – Brain – Carole James – Children – Civil Rights – Data – Democracy – D.M. Strong – DNA – ElectroSmog – ELF – EMFs – EMR – Energy Disaggregation – Environment – Eyes – FortisBC Powerley Energy Bridge … Continue reading 2017-08-29 Virtual Reality headsets with smartphones being promoted by public libraries and schools.

2017-08-27 Are smeters being “mandated” in a discriminatory fashion?

[5G Website – BC Hydro Opt-out Fees – Black Hat USA 2017 – Catherine J. Frompovich – Civil Rights – Database Servers – Discrimination Against Utility Customers – EMR / RF “Protection” Devices by Fraudsters – Encryption, Username & Password – Environment – Ethics – False Testimony by Rebecca R. Teague (PNM Public Service Company … Continue reading 2017-08-27 Are smeters being “mandated” in a discriminatory fashion?

2017-08-20 Recommendations for improving Environmental Protection Act include some re. EMR

[5G – 1859 Carrington Event – Animals – Cell Towers – Daniel Baker – Defense Department – Doctor Magda Havas – EMFs – EMP Electromagnetic Pulse Attacks – GMD Geomagnetic Disturbances – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – Henry Cooper – John Patterson, Cell Antenna Engineer – Margaret Friesen – North American Electricity Grids Security … Continue reading 2017-08-20 Recommendations for improving Environmental Protection Act include some re. EMR