2017-09-19 Canada medical system not tracking all brain cancers

[2G, 3G, 4G – Austrian Medical Association EMF Guideline – Benjamin Sovacool – Brain Tumour Registry & Tracking – Cancer Society – Children – Doctor Perry Kendall – Ed Miliband – EMR Military Weapons – EOn – Glioblastoma – Health Canada – International Doctors’ Appeal – J. Edgar Murdoch Letter to John Horgan, Ginette Petitpas … Continue reading 2017-09-19 Canada medical system not tracking all brain cancers

2017-09-11 Microcells

[2017 Expert Forum: Wireless Radiation and Human Health – Adam Scott reply for Navdeep Bains – Aharon J. Agranat – Class 2B – Complaint to BCUC re BC Hydro Bill & Wildfire Evacuee Assistance Programs – EHT – EMR – Eyes – IARC – Itai Hayut – Legacy Meter Fee – Paul Ben-Ishai – SB … Continue reading 2017-09-11 Microcells

2017-09-05 Telecoms, like Telus and AT&T, are manipulating customers re. fiber optic cable. We need to keep our landlines

[5G – A.J. Lowe, R.P. Blackwell, S.G. Allen, S.M. Mann, T.G. Cooper Study re Exposure to Radio Waves near Mobile Phone Base Stations – Alex Henney – Antennas – AT&T – Benefits – Bills – Cell Towers – Costs – Directive 2009/72/EC – EHS – Elimination of Copper Wire Landlines – FCC – Fibre Optics – … Continue reading 2017-09-05 Telecoms, like Telus and AT&T, are manipulating customers re. fiber optic cable. We need to keep our landlines