[2G, 3G, 4G, 5G – Adam Olsen – Bhargavan Rajesh – Bills – C4ST – Cell Phone Lawsuits by Peter Angelos, John Pica for Brain Tumour Victims – Children – Class 1A & Class 2B – Corporate Lobbying – DNA & Liver – Doctor Perry Kendall – Duke Energy – Elizabeth May – EMFs – Fetuses – Frank Clegg – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – J. Anbalagan – J. Edgar Murdoch Letter to John Horgan, Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Greg Kyllo, Greg McCune – Liability – Local Governments Resolution re Microcells / Small Cells Microwave Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Mary Hydrina D’Silva – Nick Croll – Oklahoma Gas & Electric – Oona McOuat – Precautionary Principle – RFR Microwave Radiation – Rijied Thompson Swer – Scientist Appeal for 5G Moratorium – Studies – UBCM Volunteers Needed – Utility Fixed Costs – Verizon Wireless – Vodafone – WHO – Wi-Fi – William Stewart | Campbell River & Comox & Courtenay & Gold River & Port Alberni & Port Hardy & Port McNeil & Saanich & Sayward & Vancouver, BC – EU – UK – California & Kentucky & Maryland & North Carolina & Ohio & Oklahoma, USA]
1) A major lawsuit against cell phones by brain tumor victims will begin in March and is being lodged against many of the major companies.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Mobile Firms Face Lawsuits
Some of the world’s largest mobile phone companies are facing billion-pound lawsuits brought by brain tumour victims. The biggest ever legal assault on the industry will seek to prove that handsets can cause cancer and that firms have deliberately covered up crucial medical information.
2) A recent study in which chick embryos were exposed to 2G and 3G microwave radiation resulted in serious damages to the livers and DNA. From what I can find, the frequencies that seem to be used by 2G are 850/1900 MHz and 3G phones use a wider range: 700/850/1800/1900 MHz. This appears to vary somewhat by country and company. Just one more study to add to the 23,000+ that show harm. How many more are needed before the WHO, Health Canada, etc. do something to prevent more harm to living things?
Effect of Radiofrequency Radiation Emitted from 2G and 3G Cell Phone on Developing Liver of Chick Embryo – A Comparative Study.
From our experimental outcome, we conclude that the chronic exposure of chick embryo liver to RFR emitted from 2G and 3G cell phone resulted in various structural changes and DNA damage. The changes were more pronounced in 3G experimental group. Many researchers now opine that cell phones may turn out to be the cigarettes of 21st century as their effects or interactions with biological tissues on long term exposure are yet to be explored especially in foetuses and children. Hence, children and pregnant women should use the cell phone with caution. Introduction of new generation phones, 4G and 5G, open a vast potential for future research and whether these changes observed due to RFR exposure are reversible or not on withdrawing the exposure is another arena which warrants further research.”
3) Utilities in the USA are increasing their fixed costs substantially to recover costs for things like smeters, which are not being recovered through reduced costs, as promised. One large utility, Duke Energy, is asking for huge increases while asking for $145 million for smart meter depreciation and replacement costs.
“Unfortunately, the fixed-charge trend still persists, despite some setbacks. Higher fixed charges secure utility revenues but fail to accomplish the other goals listed above, and recent proposals in this arena have largely been denied or significantly reduced. In March, Oklahoma Gas and Electric was denied its bid to double the residential fixed charge and add a demand charge for mass-market customers. Also in March, Duke Energy Ohio proposed a transition to a straight-fixed variable rate (a structure founded on the principle that fixed costs are recovered through the fixed charge and only variable costs are recovered through variable charges) for residential customers, which would increase the residential fixed charge from $6 to $22.77 per month and increase the low-income fixed charge from $2 to $18.77 per month. And in June, Duke Energy Progress in North Carolina proposed a 75 percent increase in the residential fixed charge in its new rate case.”
https://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/top-10-utility-trends-regulation-of-2017-aee see #6
4) The UBCM meeting begins on Sept. 25 at the Vancouver Convention Centre. Where are all the people in Vancouver and environs who want to stop the microcells and 5G? So far, only one, lonely volunteer has contacted Oona and offered to hand out flyers/leaflets. People are needed especially for Monday-Wed. If people could spend a couple of hours, either in the morning or in the evening, it would help so much. It is surprising how poorly informed the Councillors are about this. We must get info to them if we expect them to help us.
Please contact Oona if you can help: oonasong@yahoo.com
Just as with the smeters, this is the only grassroots effort in Canada. Let’s have our voices heard so that other provinces will join with us.
One member has done this:
“Today sent 8 municipalities of the North Island an informational/introductory letter, including the recent 180 Scientist and Doctors Demand for a Moratorium of 5G. [http://www.saferemr.com/2017/09/5G-moratorium12.html]
Port Mc Neil, Port Hardy, Sayward, Comox, Courtenay, Campbell River, Gold River and Port Alberni.
I cut and paste the email address of individual Council members and Mayor, of the towns website, including the administrator or secretary to make it official.
We have to consider that a vote at the UBCM, counts the same, no matter how small the community.”

Summary of Elizabeth May’s Townhall meeting a couple of days ago:
Just to give everyone a sense of where Elizabeth is at on the issue of EMF. Note that BC Green MLA Adam Olsen was also there. I will address his expressed position on smart meters at the end of this message
I asked Elizabeth a general question the brunt of which was: “How can we help you, Elizabeth, to get the federal government to wake up, shift the paradigm, and create a healthy technological future that enhances the well being of all living things?”
At the beginning of asking my question, as soon as I mentioned I was deeply concerned about how federal policies deny Canadians a choice about whether or not we are exposed to wireless radiation, the audience burst into a round of applause. Clearly, awareness is growing.
The primary things E. suggested were:
1. To write our new federal Minister of Health with our concerns. She said that often the issues that arrive repeatedly on one’s desk in early days of an appointment are the ones that will get attention.
2. That members of parliament would be more receptive to hearing that Safety Code 6 needs to be changed if they were asked to mirror more protective standards of ECC nations whose governing systems they trust. In other words – she suggested we give them positive role models to emulate.
3. That constituents can ask her office for help in drafting petitions.
4. She also said twice: “People really do look at you oddly when you bring this issue up in Parliament, they really think you are on the fringe.”
5. Today when I ran into her at the Fall Fair she gave me a big hug, thanked me for the work we are doing, said: “We need all the help we can get, we really do” and commended the work Frank Clegg and C4ST are doing.
Adam Olsen and Smart Meters
Another audience member asked Adam about smart meters. He said that as a Saanich councilor he was opposed to them. Then he said something like: The Saanich council had a split opinion so they ended up supporting them while emphasizing the need for an opt out to be provided.
I got the feeling Adam is still opposed to smart meters and he seemed very open and receptive to what I was saying about EMF.
I am sure you have seen this 2011 press release: BC Greens say Smart Meter health concerns demand action | Green Party of Canada
From: J. Edgar Murdoch (name given with permission).
Sent: September 17, 2017
To: john.horgan.mla@leg.bc.ca; Ginette.PetitpasTaylor@parl.gc.ca
Cc: greg.kyllo.MLA@leg.bc.ca; gregmccune@telus.net
Subject: Warnings re the 5G protocol …
Dear Sir or Madam,
In light of all the recent dialogue concerning the impending implementation of 5G, again without invoking the Precautionary Principle, perhaps some caution ought to be taken by the authorities here in Canada as is happening in Europe and elsewhere around the globe.
It is no secret that Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 is an international joke and falls far short of acceptable levels of non-thermal radiation that are enjoyed by most members of the EU and other nations. It has been accepted worldwide that there are adverse biological effects produced by the invisible smog of wireless radiation with which North Americans are bombarded on a daily basis. Even the WHO has acknowledged that EMF is a Class 2B carcinogen but a growing number of medical and scientific researchers are advocating the risk be elevated to a Class 1A hazard! The deleterious activity allowed by those who insist that wireless radiation is safe, like BC’s Public Health Officer Perry Kendall, has a grossly negative impact on young, developing children and on the elderly which is why many nations are removing and banning Wi-Fi from public schools and medical facilities and other public venues such as libraries and parks where older folk and children congregate.
One wonders what the well-kept “secret” is that the rest of the world understands but the US and Canadian authorities and government officials seem to be unaware? I$ it really po$$ible that corporate lobbying and influence might have a nefariou$ part to play in this lack of dynamics?
Please do the right thing for your constituents and do your part to STOP this madness.
Edgar Murdoch
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“You will observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known, and exist, before it is generally received and acted on.”
~ Ben Franklin
Sent from my safe, secure wired laptop with no Wi-Fi enabled.