2017-10-01 – Cell tower proposed in Mission near homes 2017-10-02 – More smeter fires. No Update for 2017-10-03 2017-10-04 – Arizona man wins case charging health info. re. smeters was withheld 2017-10-05 – Pressure to replace landlines with VOIP 2017-10-06 – More petitions to Fed. Auditor General re. cell phones/radiation 2017-10-07 – Auditor General petitions … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2017-10 OCT

2017-09-29 Are smeters and microcells all a lead up to “smart” cities for the benefit of telecoms?

[5G – BBC Watchdog Live (S38, E5) – BC Hydro Site C – BEIS Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy – Deloitte LLP – Cancer – Cell Towers – Children – Driverless Cars – EMR – Erica Hamilton, BCUC – Gas – Greg Clark – Grenfell Towers – Health – IoT – Jerry Brown … Continue reading 2017-09-29 Are smeters and microcells all a lead up to “smart” cities for the benefit of telecoms?

UBCM Votes Yes to Having a Say in Microcell Placement

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   Contact Oona McOuat 250-537-2088   SALT SPRING, September 28 – At the UBCM this morning, the province’s local governments voted to support a resolution on giving them a say when microcells are placed within 100 meters of homes, schools and hospitals in their communities. Enjoy this 1-minute animation on the Resolution: Support UBCM2017 … Continue reading UBCM Votes Yes to Having a Say in Microcell Placement

2017-09-27 Malfunctioning smeters in Florida slowing power restoration?

[5G – Beverley Tripp – Cindy Clemmons – Driverless Cars, Insurance, Safety & V2V Radar – EMF – EMR – Fibre Optics – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – Insurance – ISED – Lakeland Electric Smart Meters Malfunction – Oona McOuat Press Release re UBCM Resolution B100 on Microcells / Small Cells – SB 649 – Scientist … Continue reading 2017-09-27 Malfunctioning smeters in Florida slowing power restoration?

UBCM: Local Control over Pot but not Radiation?

UBCM: Local Control over Pot but not Radiation? FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Oona McOuat 250-537-2088 Give me a Minute & I’ll Give you News SALT SPRING, September 25 – The big story out of the UBCM so far this week is the BC government’s announcement that they are seeking public and municipal input on the … Continue reading UBCM: Local Control over Pot but not Radiation?

2017-09-24 A power surge, deliberate from an enemy like China, could cripple Canada for a long time

[5G Microcells / Small Cells – Barbara Kay – Bill Newell – Children – CIA – CST Website – Doctor Annie Sasco – Faraday Cage – Fire Safety Act 2018 – Homeland Security – IARC – IoT – Kate Kheel – Linda Ewart – Liz Walker – Peter Pry, American House Armed Services Committee – Pulse … Continue reading 2017-09-24 A power surge, deliberate from an enemy like China, could cripple Canada for a long time

2017-09-22 Keep your copper phone line — prevent microcells.

[2G, 3G, 4G – Austrian Medical Association EMF Guideline – Chunghwa Telecom – Civil & Human Rights – Cruzio – Ecosystem – EMR Military Weapons – Fibre Optics over Copper – International Doctors’ Appeal – Lennart Hardell – Letter to John Horgan, BC Greens, BCCLA BC Civil Liberties Association, Press Progress, Broadbent Institute, Randy Hawes, Jenny … Continue reading 2017-09-22 Keep your copper phone line — prevent microcells.