[Antennas – BC Hydro – BC Lottery Corporation – Cell Towers – CTIA – Doctor’s Testimony re Children Sick from Wi-Fi in Schools – EHS Symptoms – Ellen Marks – EMF Bills H. 2030 & S. 2079 – EPA – FCC – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – ICBC – Joel Moskowitz – Letter to Parksville Mayor re Firefighters Exemption from & Opposition to California SB 649 (Ben Hueso & Bill Quirk) Microcells / Small Cells Microwave Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Lew Currier – NTP – RFR – Risk Communication Guide for Mobile Phones & Base Stations by GSMA Groupe Speciale Mobile Association – Sherry Ridout Letter to Councils re UBCM Resolutions (Microcell Placement Consultation) & Microcell Fact Sheet – Telus Connecting BC Broadband Service Agreement re Fibre Optics & Microcells – UBCM – White Zone – WHO – Wireless – WorkSafe BC | Esquimalt, Oak Bay, Saanich & Victoria, BC – Carpinteria, Los Angeles, Sacramento, California & Massachusetts, USA]
1) BC government contract with Telus found by a member. Wonder why we haven’t heard about this? Important consideration: connectivity doesn’t have to be wireless. Fiber optic cable is much more efficient and safer in all regards. With Telus putting fiber optics throughout the province to support the microcells, it would be relatively easy to connect to homes. Of course it isn’t as easy or inexpensive as putting in wireless transmitters, but it’s a heck of a lot cheaper than the medical bills for EHS and other health problems caused by increasing the RF. This needs to be an area for concerted effort – to meet these goals without increasing RF.
(click on photos to enlarge)
UBCM 2013 : page 87
” BC is one of the most connected jurisdictions in the world. Currently 93 percent of British Columbians have access to broadband or high-speed Internet service.
The 10 year Connecting British Columbia Agreement signed in July, 2011, with TELUS includes a commitment to expand broadband service coverage in BC that will reach 97 percent. The remaining three percent will be reached through other means, including partnerships with local community Internet service providers, local governments and new programs such as a new broadband satellite initiative to be launched later in 2013. ”
Connecting BC Program
We are proud to announce that following a three-year negotiated request for proposals process, the Government of B.C. has awarded TELUS a 10-year telecommunications services contract.
This contract, signed July 29, 2011, provides telecommunications and strategic services to government and its broader public sector partners.
Services included in the agreement are long distance, conferencing, voice, data, cellular and strategic services. The customers represented are the core ministries of the government, the six B.C. health authorities, BC Hydro, WorkSafeBC, the Insurance Corporation of BC and BC Lottery Corporation.
2) A doctor, who is also a mother, gives testimony in Massachusetts about how her children have become ill due to Wi-Fi in their schools and how no schools are available to them.
3) The industry has developed guidance manual with suggestions for talking with the public about cell phones and towers/transmitters. They cherry pick statements from older WHO documents, misleading and misinforming and emphasize the international standards that have been established by industry. These very standards have been shown to be inadequate by many studies that show exposure to even low levels can cause serious harm. This is not a risk, it is a hazard. It’s good to see how they think how they should deal with our concerns and questions in order to prepare responses
Risk Communication Guide for Mobile Phones and Base Stations

From: Sherry Ridout (Name given with permission)
Sent: September 4, 2017
To: ClerkSec@saanich.ca; mayorandcouncil@victoria.ca; mayorandcouncil@esquimalt.ca; obcouncil@oakbay.ca
Subject: UBCM & Micro cell Regulatory Info
Dear Mayor and Councillors,
I saw in the T.C. yesterday a number of resolutions that will be presented in the upcoming UBCM. One that wasn’t mentioned, the Microcell Placement Consultation, has been amended and this will be addressed on the floor before the vote takes place. I hope you will vote in favour of this resolution which promotes local authority and public consultation in microcell placement with the goal of providing a safer environment.
As you are now aware federal regulations allow the newest telecommunication technologies – microcells, small cell towers, and 5G transmitters – to be placed on existing structures like utility poles without any public consultation
Now is the time for local governments to become equal partners in the shaping of the technological future of their communities. Here is an opportunity to engage with the theme of your convention: Roots to Results – considering the increasing leadership of local government in matters of federal and provincial jurisdiction. Assert your right to have a say in where microcell towers are located on our streets! This resolution may be the best way to close the loophole of the “may be excluded from consultation” language in Section 4.3 Exemptions of the FCM/CWTA agreement. It gives definite parameters for consultation, i.e. within 100 meters of schools, hospitals and residences.
As I shared in a recent letter, the federal Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development has recommended major changes to the Environmental Protection Act. Two recommendations call for Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada to conduct studies on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on biota and to review the adequacy of the current guidelines provided in Safety Code 6. We need to be proactive and observe safe siting protocols now and not wait years for government regulations to catch up.
I have attached some background documents to hopefully make it easier for you to become acquainted with this issue if you are not already. In the first document you may want to check out the last two sections: Other Municipalities: Leading by Example & the Conclusion: Untying Our Hands. The chart shows how many government bodies, policies, and regulations are involved in microcells being placed on our streets and here is a link to a Microcell Fact Sheet. https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Microcell-Flyer-for-UBCM-revised.pdf
Thanks for taking the time to peruse this information.
Sherry Ridout

From: X
Sent: September 05, 2017
To: mayor@parksville.ca
Subject: FYI
Hello Marc,
I thought you’d be interested in this California proposal exempting firehalls from having microcell towers. It supports council’s decision taken a few years ago:
Lew Currier, a director of the Los Angeles County Firefighters Local 1014, said the “working condition” that worried his members the most was exposure to radiation or electromagnetic fields emitted by cell towers. So the union, as well as the union representing firefighters in the city of Los Angeles, directed its Sacramento lobbying group to intervene and amend Quirk’s legislation with a carve-out for fire stations in the state.
The urgency to amend the bill, Currier said, was prompted by a 2004 brain scan study by a Los Angeles neurotoxicologist of a group of firefighters in Carpinteria who had lived and slept inside a station near a large cell tower for five years. The study found brain abnormalities in all the men tested, including delayed reaction time, lack of impulse control and cognitive impairment.”
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.”
~ B.F. Skinner