2017-03-07 Paris reduces allowed exposure levels to a fraction of SC 6

[5G Antennas – Anne Hidalgo – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Cindy Russell – Doctor – EMF Protection Products – Copper Landlines – George Carlo Disclaimer, Safe Wireless Initiative – High Water Bills – Igor Smirnov MRET Molecular Resonance Effect Technology – Microcells – Municipal Observatory of Waves – Privacy – Public Health Risks … Continue reading 2017-03-07 Paris reduces allowed exposure levels to a fraction of SC 6

2017-03-06 Some in the USA are trying to have smeter data protected.

[5G Antennas – BC Hydro Substation underneath Schools & Parks – Cancer – Children – Data – Dirty Electricity – EMFs – FCC Federal Communications Commission Proceeding 16-421 – Fourth Amendment – Health Canada HESA – Industry Canada – Microcells – Privacy – RF – WaveRider – Wi-Fi – William Bathgate – Wireless | Vancouver, … Continue reading 2017-03-06 Some in the USA are trying to have smeter data protected.


2017-03-01 –  Many US states with opt out bills before their legislatures 2017-03-02 – Telus installing microcells in South Vancouver 2017-03-03 – California Public Health report released after 7 years 2017-03-04 – Meters in Europe are inaccurate – measuring up to 6 times real consumption. 2017-03-05 – A presentation to Grand Forks Council re. microcells … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2017-03 MAR

2017-02-28 Maryland Council recommends replacing Wi-Fi in schools with hard wired connections — A FIRST

[BC Hydro Substation – Children – EHS / ES – EMFs – Hydro One Time-of-Use TOU Billing – Maryland State Advisory Council – Microcells – Norm Ryder Presentation to Municipal Council – Perry Kendall – Resistant to Antibiotics – RF – Shaw Go Wifi – Telus LTE 4G / 5G eNodeB Antennas – Wi-Fi in … Continue reading 2017-02-28 Maryland Council recommends replacing Wi-Fi in schools with hard wired connections — A FIRST


  = = = Conflicts of Interest: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/conflicts-of-interest/ = = = The EMF Call – Urgent Need for Truly Protective Limits for Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (100 kHz to 300 GHz) – November 01, 2018 – https://www.emfcall.org/about/ = = = International Appeal – Stop 5G on Earth and in Space – September 17, 2018 – … Continue reading Appeals/Petitions