2017-02-27 A victory in Calif — report re. cell phone risk must be released

[5G – Apple iPhone 7 Plus Burned Lithium Battery – Cell Towers – Children – Doctor – Health Canada – Industry Canada – Joel Moskowitz – Microcells – National Toxicology Program NTP – Perry Kendall – RFR – Right to Know Cell Phone Risks – Safety Code 6 – Smart Grid Security – Superior Court Judge – … Continue reading 2017-02-27 A victory in Calif — report re. cell phone risk must be released


Audios / Videos / PowerPoints   = = = (audios) The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies – https://www.youtube.com/user/talkdigitalnetwork/search?query=sharon+noble (audios) Sound Examples of Audio Analysis by Safe Living Technologies Inc.: Airport Radar, Baby Monitor, Bluetooth Headset, Cell … Continue reading A/V/PPT

Scientific Articles, Papers and Reports

(click on photos to enlarge) BioInitiative 2012 (Report updated 2014-2020) –  https://bioinitiative.org/rf-color-charts/ Electromagnetic Pollution – QiGONG Institute – https://www.qigonginstitute.org/category/11/electromagnetic-pollution ORSAA Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association – Database – https://www.orsaa.org/orsaa-database.html  & https://www.orsaa.org/executive-team.html  &  https://www.orsaa.org/advisory-board.html Oscillatorium – A gallery of images and maps, visual learning tools for the study of unnatural oscillations — non-ionizing electromagnetic fields — … Continue reading Scientific Articles, Papers and Reports

2017-02-13 IoT and planned obsolescence & wireless tech. require huge amounts of energy

[5G – Airport Scanners – Cellphones – Children – Electricity Consumption – Elizabeth May, Green Party – EMR – Green Gazette – Greenpeace – Environment – Health – IoT – Milliwaves – RF – Sierra Club – Studies – UCLA – Wireless | Samsun, Turkey – Kentucky, USA] 1)    Airport security scanners must be avoided … Continue reading 2017-02-13 IoT and planned obsolescence & wireless tech. require huge amounts of energy

2017-02-09 Tweeter needed.

[5G – BC Hydro – Causality / Causation – Cell Phones – CTIA – Deborah Kopald – Doctor – EHS Accommodations – EMF – EMR – FCC – FDA – Health – ICNIRP – Jerry Flynn – Judge – Language – Legal – Michael Kundi – Microcells – Morgan Christen – Papers / Studies – … Continue reading 2017-02-09 Tweeter needed.


2017-02-07 – Major document: WHO guilty of allowing wireless radiation to cause irreparable harm. 2017-02-08 – BC paper publishes article re. cell phones 2017-02-09 – Tweeter needed. 2017-02-10 – TV company guilty of spying on customers 2017-02-11  – More about 5G that Telus doesn’t want us to know. 2017-02-12 – Microcells in Comox and Port … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2017- 02 FEB