2014-07-23 Major cybersecurity report, consequences of a failed grid.

1)  The Internet CLOUD increases threats of hacking and Cyber Terrorism A major cybersecurity report done for the US govt. reports that:  “While smart grid initiatives have proven successful for improving efficiency, their reliance on wireless, “cloud,” and internet-based technology opens up a greater potential threat of hacking and cyber terrorism…. Customer interfaces which provide … Continue reading 2014-07-23 Major cybersecurity report, consequences of a failed grid.

Identify your METER

Electric Meters (see below) Gas Meters – http://emrabc.ca/?page_id=4977 & Search – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/?s=gas+meters Water Meters – http://emrabc.ca/?page_id=2695 & Search – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/?s=water+meters ________________________________________________ How to Read Your Smart Meter: BC Hydro – How to read a smart meter: – https://www.bchydro.com/content/dam/BCHydro/customer-portal/documents/projects/smart-metering/smart-metering-program-reading-a-smart-meter.pdf & FortisBC – Reading your electricity meter: – https://www.fortisbc.com/accounts-billing/meters-meter-readings/your-electricity-meter ________________________________________________ Notice a New Electric Meter on your … Continue reading Identify your METER

2023-04-13 Consequences of using a cell phone

1) A gem from Arthur Firstenberg that should be shared widely, perhaps along with some of the info about cellphones I obtained from Health Canada and ISED (shared in my presentation). 100 Consequences of owning a cell phone as webpage: https://cellphonetaskforce.org/100-consequences-of-owning-a-cell-phone as pdf: https://cellphonetaskforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/100-Consequences.pdf 2) Another amazing report by Dr. Henry Lai and Blake Levitt. … Continue reading 2023-04-13 Consequences of using a cell phone