2023-03-28 Another shocking example of Health Canada’s failure

1) A stellar group of experts on various issues involving cell towers — scientists, lawyers, etc. Full information is at the linked site. Let’s Connect about Cell Tower Join us for an Expert Zoom Webinar Thursday, March 30, 2023 7:00-8:30pm ET, 4:00-5::30 PT https://us20.campaign-archive.com/?u=62f2cbcbd8eeef4c8fe3da281&id=46aa73cd60 (click on photos to enlarge) Here is a draft of a … Continue reading 2023-03-28 Another shocking example of Health Canada’s failure

2023-01-25 How technology affects marine life

1) Wireless technology has been endangering our environment for decades, and now, with the Internet of Underwater Things, plants and animals that support life on earth are being threatened. Protecting our Oceans and the Environment from 5G and Sonar Wireless Radiation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03U7Uva7RA0    (7:13 min.) Hosted by Safe Tech International Smart Ocean: Impacts of technology … Continue reading 2023-01-25 How technology affects marine life