2023-01-18 7th 5G Appeal to EU

1) Another appeal to the EU, signed by more than 400 scientists and MDs, asking in the strongest way that the exposure limits be reduced dramatically from ICNIRP’s to protect the health of all living things and a moratorium on 5G be established. This is an important document, pleading for precautionary steps before it’s too … Continue reading 2023-01-18 7th 5G Appeal to EU

2022-11-10 FCC shields Telecoms

1) Thanks to Louis Slesin of Microwave News for sharing this article. According to the author, in the 15 months since the Court ordered FCC to provide science-based reasons for maintaining its guidelines, the FCC has done absolutely nothing and is getting away with allowing more towers to be built close to homes and schools, … Continue reading 2022-11-10 FCC shields Telecoms

2022-09-22 The EU and US prioritize the economy over health in the deployment of wireless technologies

Only 1 item tonight which is a very important paper shared by Dr. Lennart Hardell. It has been peer-reviewed and addresses major concerns about 5G technology which is being implemented around the world despite the many warnings by independent experts, from around the world, about the dangers of wireless radiation. Below is a summary provided … Continue reading 2022-09-22 The EU and US prioritize the economy over health in the deployment of wireless technologies