Canadian parliament SC6 Committee hearings about “wireless” radiation

SC6 is so-called “Safety Code 6“, which is about human exposures to “wireless” radiation emissions from sources such as cellphones, wi-fi routers, cordless phones, laptops, tablets, baby monitors, so-called “smart” electricity and water meters, infrastructure antennas/towers/new streetlights, wireless tv/game/entertainment systems, wireless security, air, water monitoring systems, wireless gear such as printer/mouse/keyboard/speakers/microphone, anything bluetooth, any size … Continue reading Canadian parliament SC6 Committee hearings about “wireless” radiation

2015-04-09 Salt Spring installer told to install Smart Meter

1)        A 7 minute YouTube worth watching. As you do, think about how these “obstacles and barriers” apply to the $$mart meter problem. The government is making it impossible to get information, is refusing to allow input, is lying and misrepresenting, is allowing no choice. If we all continue to work together as we have now … Continue reading 2015-04-09 Salt Spring installer told to install Smart Meter

2015-04-11 California Med. Association asks for RF safety standards to be re-evaluated

1)  In December, 2014 the California Medical Association passed a resolution asking for the wireless communications safety standards to be re-evaluated based upon the increasing evidence of harm:   Resolved 1 That CMA supports efforts to reevaluate microwave safety exposure levels associated with wireless communication devices, including consideration of adverse non-thermal biologic and health effects … Continue reading 2015-04-11 California Med. Association asks for RF safety standards to be re-evaluated

2015-03-14 Health Canada ignores all recent scientific evidence and maintains SC 6

  1) – It is possible that new appliances and electronics will have a zigbee chip waiting to communicate with $$meters. But the zigbee chip may be spewing out RF even before a $smeter is in range. This Samsung Fridge had no label indicating this, so it’s ‘buyer beware”.  –  8 min. youtube You … Continue reading 2015-03-14 Health Canada ignores all recent scientific evidence and maintains SC 6

2015-02-15 Another study showing RF can damage sperm

Studies for some time have shown that prolonged exposure to RF can affect sperm. [See full article here] is a study using the 900Mhz frequency, the same frequency used by Smart Meters, confirming that sperm motility and viability [can be decreased]. The BC Centre for Disease Control reviewed, at the request of many Coalition … Continue reading 2015-02-15 Another study showing RF can damage sperm

2015-07-10 New study confirms DNA damage from very low levels of RF

————————————————————————— A new study confirms harm caused by very low levels of RF radiation.  It was found that out of 100 studies on this topic 93 showed harmful effects. How many more are needed before Health Canada and provincial medical authorities like Perry Kendall acknowledge science?  “In turn, a broad biological potential of ROS and … Continue reading 2015-07-10 New study confirms DNA damage from very low levels of RF


Here is an interesting peoples internet RADIO site from Ireland that covers many of the issues that we are involved in. Remembrer RADIO? The show is almost 2 hours long.  No video, just audio..  Just sit back, relax and listen. Olle Johansson – runs from 17 min.  to 144 min.  You can jump to … Continue reading OPEN YOUR MIND RADIO – Olle Johansson