2018-01-09 How many hundreds of microcells will be in each community, on each street?

4G LTE – 5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Addiction – Alex Markowetz, Menthal – Apple iPhone – AT&T – BCCDC – CalSTRS California State Teachers’ Retirement System – Cancer – Cell Towers – Chamath Palihapitiya – Checky – Children – DE – Design Flaws – DNA – EHS – … Continue reading 2018-01-09 How many hundreds of microcells will be in each community, on each street?

2018-01-03 For FortisBC electrical customers — application for major rate changes

[2G – 4G LTE – AAP – Appliances – BC Hydro Smart Metering Program Investigation – BCUC Order G-5-17 – Bees – Bills – Cars – Cell Phones – Cerise Edwards – Children – Data – Doctor Joel M. Moskowitz – EHT – EMFs – EMR – FortisBC Rate Design Application – Glioma Brain Cancer … Continue reading 2018-01-03 For FortisBC electrical customers — application for major rate changes

2018-01-02 An ITRON bid proposal allows us to see what BC Hydro refuses to provide

[AAP – Addiction – Appliances – Babies – BioInitiative – Brain – Cancer – Cell Phones – Children – Costs – Data Privacy – Doctor Aric Sigman – Devra Davis – EHT – EMF Scientist Appeal – Health (ADHD, Autism, Behaviour, Depression, Obesity, Real Play, Ritalin, Sleep) – iPad – Itron – Joel M. Moskowitz … Continue reading 2018-01-02 An ITRON bid proposal allows us to see what BC Hydro refuses to provide


2018-01-01 – In Baltimore, school VIPs given trips, fees, etc. by telecoms and then support Wi-Fi, etc. 2018-01-02 – An ITRON bid proposal allows us to see what BC Hydro refuses to provide 2018-01-03 – For FortisBC electrical customers — application for major rate changes 2018-01-04 – The Tyee offers many reasons to keep fighting … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2018-01 JAN

2017-12-29 EMR named as one of the top emerging issues for Global Conservation

[5G Microcells / Small Cells (EMR, Wildlife, William J. Sutherland) – 2012 BioInitiative Report (Doctor Henry Lai, IARC,  Lennart Hardell, Michael Carlberg, Microwave Radiation Class 1 Carcinogen, Use of Wireless Phones & Evidence for Increased Risk of Brain Tumors 2017 Supplement) – Cybersecurity (Hacking, iPhone is the Most Hackable Phone (then Android), John McAfee, Privacy, … Continue reading 2017-12-29 EMR named as one of the top emerging issues for Global Conservation

2017-12-27 An update on the US Navy’s War Games and the fight to stop them by “Save the Olympic Peninsula”

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting (Brian Schatz, Cell Towers, Edmund G. Brown Jr., Ellen Marks California Brain Tumor Association,Fires, Frederick Hill, Internet Access, John Thune, Kelly Cole CTIA, Miscarriage, Safety, WTFs Wireless Telecommunication Facilities) – Addiction (Behaviour, Doctors, Gaming Disorder Mental Illness, Insurance, WHO) – André Fauteux (Bees & Birds, Cell … Continue reading 2017-12-27 An update on the US Navy’s War Games and the fight to stop them by “Save the Olympic Peninsula”

2017-12-23 New call for stricter standards in the Nicosia Declaration

[Cell Phones Questions & Answers by Arthur Firstenberg (5G, Blood-Brain Barrier, Breast Cancer, Cell Towers, DNA, FCC, Herman Schwan, Leif Salford, Max Planck Institute, Near Field, Pelda Levey, SAR, Shielding, Smartphones, Sperm, Stroke Registry) – Doctor Anthony B. Miller (EHT, Group 1 Carcinogenic to Humans, IARC, Interphone & CERENAT & NTP Studies, Pasi Ala-Mieto Cellraid … Continue reading 2017-12-23 New call for stricter standards in the Nicosia Declaration

2017-12-22 BioInitiative Updates, with as many as 90% of new studies showing harm.

[5G & IoT Newsletter & Updates (Kate Kheel) – BioInitiative Report (Cancer Society, Doctor Henry Lai, EMF, Health Canada, RFR Microwave Radiation) – Cellphones (Addiction, Bans in Schools, British Survey, Canadian Federation of Independent Business, Children’s Behaviour, Distracted Driving Legislation, Employees, Manners, Restrictions of Use, Safety, Smartphones, Social Autism, Texting Pandemic) – Site C (BCUC … Continue reading 2017-12-22 BioInitiative Updates, with as many as 90% of new studies showing harm.

2017-12-19 (2) examples of ICNIRP’s dangerous “recommendations” that affect us all.

[CMP Central Maine Power Company Inquiry re Power Outages Recovery (Alternatives to Smart Meters, Barry Hobbins, Batteries, Bill Estimates, Costs,  Gary Sturgis, Generators, John Carroll, MPUC, Phone Call Reports, Sara Burns, Seth Berry, Solar Panels, Windstorm, Wireless Smart Grid Mesh System Failure) – EMFs Studies (BC Hydro, BCUC, Doctor De-Kun Li, Kaiser Permanente, FortisBC, Magda … Continue reading 2017-12-19 (2) examples of ICNIRP’s dangerous “recommendations” that affect us all.