Few Health Studies Done on 5 G Risk. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – January 25, 2018

(audio 25:21) Few Health Studies Done on 5 G Risk. Sharon Noble – January 25, 2018 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – January 25, 2018: – https://youtu.be/AycRbMg394Y (Still no government response to damning smart meter fire report – Guest’s website: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/ Produced by https://www.howestreet.com/) & (podcast 25:04) January 25, 2018 … Continue reading Few Health Studies Done on 5 G Risk. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – January 25, 2018

2018-01-27 Legislative bill re. smeters in Oklahoma — a model to protect civil rights and health

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antenna Siting Legislation – Amazon Alexa – Analog Electromechanical Meters – Andy Shadrack Letter to Patrick Wruck, BCUC re FortisBC Rate Design Application Order G-23-18 (Flat Rate) – Appliances – BC Hydro – BC Public Interest Advocacy Centre – Benefits – Bills – Columbia Power – Costs – Cyborgasm – … Continue reading 2018-01-27 Legislative bill re. smeters in Oklahoma — a model to protect civil rights and health

2018-01-26 Wireless networks are a waste of money, only hard wired will meet future needs.

[4G LTE – 5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Siting Legislation – 1996 Telecommunications Act – Ajit Pai, FCC – Arthur Firstenberg – AT&T – BioInitiative Reports – Botnets – Brain Tumours (Gliomas) – Cancer (Head, Mouth, Neck, Pituitary, Thyroid) – Captured Agency – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Comcast – Costs – Cyberattacks – … Continue reading 2018-01-26 Wireless networks are a waste of money, only hard wired will meet future needs.

2018-01-20 Testimony at Nova Scotia smeter hearing — utility misrepresenting costs, benefits and need for opt-out fee.

[5G – Amplificatory Effects – BC Hydro – BCUC – Benefits – Business Blackout – Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure & Construction – Canadian Human Rights Commission – Children – CIHR Canadian Institutes of Health Research – City Digital Strategy – Costs – Cyberattacks – DE – Doctor Andrew Michrowski, PACE – Edward R. Reilly … Continue reading 2018-01-20 Testimony at Nova Scotia smeter hearing — utility misrepresenting costs, benefits and need for opt-out fee.

2018-01-18 In Michigan a govt. committee listens to/welcomes complaints re utility forcing smeters on people

[5G Microcells / Small Cells – Bullying – AAEM – Bill S.1864 – Commons of the Air – Corrupt to the Core: Memoirs of a Health Canada Whistleblower by Doctor Shiv Chopra – Dan Schulte – Deception – Democracy – EHS – ElectroSmog – EMR – Environment – FortisBC – Gary Glenn – Gérard Lambert – … Continue reading 2018-01-18 In Michigan a govt. committee listens to/welcomes complaints re utility forcing smeters on people

2018-01-14 Another large increase in the rate of autism in children — 1 in 36.

[4G LTE – 5G – AAEM – ADDM Autism & Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network – ASD – Behaviour – Cancer – Catherine Rice – CDC – Cell Phones – CERENAT – Children – Cindy Sage – Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam – DNA – Doctor Andrew A. Marino – EHS / EMS Symptoms – ElectroSmog – EMFs – … Continue reading 2018-01-14 Another large increase in the rate of autism in children — 1 in 36.

2018-01-13 FCC’s guideline (like SC 6) is putting health and lives in jeopardy

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting – 1996 Telecom Act – Ajit Pai, FCC – Beings of Frequency by James Russell – Brain Cancer Tracking – Cardiac Arrhythmia – CBC’s Out in the Open with Piya Chattopadhyay re Canadians with EHS (Microwave Radiation Sickness) – Cell Towers – Christel Martin Letter to … Continue reading 2018-01-13 FCC’s guideline (like SC 6) is putting health and lives in jeopardy