[5G From Blankets to Bullets by Arthur Firstenberg – AAP – Behaviour – BPE Biophotonic Emission – Brain – Bruce D. Curtis – Cancer – Cell Phones – Children – Dafna Tachover, We Are the Evidence – DNA – Doctor Dietrich Klinghardt – EHS – Emergency Preparedness – ElectroSmog & Autoimmune Disease by T.G. Marshall & T.J.R. Heil – EMF Shielding Clothing – Generation Zapped by Sabine El Gemayel – George L. Carlo – Health – International EMF Scientist Appeal – J.J. Hurtak – Landlines – Media – Olle Johansson – RF Microwave Radiation Sickness – Sleep – Studies – Tobacco – Tsunami Warnings – Vehicle Radar – WHO – Wi-Fi – WiGig – Wireless Devices – Write to Your Municipal Council re Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting | BC – Belgium – EU – France – Russia – UK – Petaluma, California, USA] & Documentary & (video)
1) Here is the link to the article in The Epoch Times, to which I referred in last night’s update.
(click on photos to enlarge)
2) This morning on the news I heard that there had been a tsunami warning overnight, and I never knew. A member who lives in another area of Victoria didn’t know until he heard about it on CBC this morning. He learned that, if you sign up, a warning will come through your cell phone. That assumes you have your phone on and with you all the time, even when sleeping. What about an alarm system like there used to be, one that can be heard for miles? What about people like many of us who don’t have cell phones, or the many people who know better than to sleep with them in the same room? This is nuts. How do other areas get warnings out? This issue deserves many letters to the media and to whatever department handles such warnings.

** Emergency Info **
BC Government – https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/safety/emergency-preparedness-response-recovery/preparedbc/know-the-risks/tsunamis?keyword=tsunami
CRD (p.84 – Victoria area, Sidney, Sooke & Southern Gulf Islands) – https://www.crd.bc.ca/prepare-yourself/get-involved/local-emergency-programs & – https://www.crd.bc.ca/docs/default-source/prepareyourself/ep_workbook_full_new.pdf
Salt Spring Island, Juan de Fuca, Southern Gulf Islands, Piers Island – http://www.crd.bc.ca/service/fire-and-emergency-programs/public-alert-notification-system
Salt Spring Island – https://saltspringexchange.com/author/ssiemergency/
3) From a member, here are public statements to the Petaluma City Council by California Attorney Harry Lehmann and Paul McGavin regarding the installation of microcells on public rights of way. The references to laws do not apply but there are contracts and rights that municipalities in BC do have if the Councils are aware and willing to get educated – which seems to be up to us. Statements begin at 28 minutes and are very short.
All city/municipal Councils [https://www.civicinfo.bc.ca/people] should be given the article on 5G antennae by Arthur Firstenberg [http://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/?page_id=1603] that was in last night’s update.
4) A very detailed and informative article in a newsletter that reaches 250,000. The audience is growing.

Groundbreaking Study Shows Shielding EMF Improves Autoimmune Disease
“The Ubiquity of Electrosmog
Concerns about electromagnetic fields (EMF) are branded pseudoscientific conspiracy theories and relegated to the realm of tin-hat wearing quackery. However, a recent publication in the peer-reviewed journal Immunologic Research entitled “Electrosmog and Autoimmune Disease,” sheds new light on the validity of concerns about this so-called electrosmog with which we are constantly inundated.
Although we encounter natural microwave electromagnetic radiation in the form of cosmic radiation from outer space, the aurora borealis, and thunderstorms, the vast majority of electrosmog that we encounter is largely manmade (1). These atmospheric phenomena, however, emit electromagnetic radiation at lower radio frequencies and are negligibly weak in comparison to manmade sources, which have increased exponentially due to the emergence of television, cellular phone technologies, and WiFI, all of which utilize microwave frequency bands (1).
According to researchers Marshall and Heil (2017), for instance, “The recent release of WiGig and anti-collision vehicle radars in the 60 GHz region embody a 1000-fold increase in frequency, and photon energy, over the exposures mankind experienced up until the 1950s””
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“A government has no conscience. Sometimes it has a policy, but nothing more.”
~ Albert Camus