2017-12-11 Horgan sided with Christy Clark against all reason and logic today

[5G – 1996 Telecommunications Act Section 704 – BC Hydro Smart Metering Program – Bio-Initiative Report – Catherine J. Frompovich – Children – Consensus Science – Doctor Girish Kumar PowerPoint (Cell Phones, Cell Towers Hazards) – EHS (IEI Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance, Microwave Radiation Sickness) – EMFs – FCC – Finlay MacPherson Letter – GWEN Ground … Continue reading 2017-12-11 Horgan sided with Christy Clark against all reason and logic today

2017-12-06 Brain abnormalities in Cuba Embassy victims

[4G – 5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Aline Richard – ANFR National Frequency Agency & Abeille Law (EMF Exposure Limits) – AT&T – BCUC – Cell Phones – Costs – Covert Sonic Weapon Attacks on American / Canadian Embassy Diplomats (Brain Abnormalities, Concussions, Directional Acoustic Phenomena Noise, EHS Symptoms, Tracking 24 … Continue reading 2017-12-06 Brain abnormalities in Cuba Embassy victims

2017-12-04 A response to MLA “Shame” Simpson re. hydro bills

[Ajit Pai (remove Net Neutrality) & Jessica Rosenworcel (Wired Internet) – Brain Cancer Risk from Smartphones & Cell Phones – C4ST Website Hack (Frank Clegg) – Janis Hoffman Letter to Shane Simpson re BC Hydro Smart Metering Program Bills (Carole James, John Horgan, Michelle Mungall) – Jim Goddard Radio Interviews with Sharon Noble (Smart Meter Fires Report, etc.) … Continue reading 2017-12-04 A response to MLA “Shame” Simpson re. hydro bills

2017-12-02 New report re. $mart phones — 400% increase in brain cancer in teens

[2G, 3G, 4G, 5G – ACS American Cancer Society – Animals & Plants – Bees – Brain Cancer Risk from Smartphones & Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children – Copper Telephone Wires – Cordless Phones – DE Dirty Electricity – Doctor Girish Kumar – Ecosystem – FCC – Fertility – Fibre Optics – Health (Alzheimer’s, … Continue reading 2017-12-02 New report re. $mart phones — 400% increase in brain cancer in teens

2017-12-01 An industry “bent scientist” starts rumour about NTP study

[5G – American Cancer Society – Children – Commissioner Rosenworcel, FCC – Doctor Hyung Suk Seo – EMF – Eric van Rongen – Health (Brain Tumours, DNA, EHS, Heart, Sleep) Canada – IARC Interphone – ICNIRP & Conflict of Interest – Janis Hoffman Letter to John Horgan, Michelle Mungall, Carole James re BC Hydro Smart Metering Program … Continue reading 2017-12-01 An industry “bent scientist” starts rumour about NTP study


2017-12-01 – An industry “bent scientist” starts rumour about NTP study 2017-12-02 – New report re. $mart phones — 400% increase in brain cancer in teens 2017-12-03 – Tossing net neutrality could help 5G spread more quickly 2017-12-04 – A response to MLA “Shame” Simpson re. hydro bills 2017-12-05 – Another study showing changes in … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2017-12 DEC

2017-11-29 Fiber optic cable is the technology for the future.

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas – Alex Menendez, MonkeyBrains – DC-NET Fibre Optics – Doctor Lisa Nagy, AAEM Testimony re EHS Insurance – Health – John Rosser Letter to David Eby re BC Hydro Smart Metering Program (Analogs, Batteries, BCUC, Costs, Disconnections, Extortion, Lifespan) – ISP Internet Service Provider – MuniNetworks – Patrick Lucey … Continue reading 2017-11-29 Fiber optic cable is the technology for the future.

2017-11-27 (50) pages of complaints about higher bills after being smetered

[5G Microcell / Small Cell Antennas – ACS American Cancer Society – AMP Alameda Municipal Power – Bill Bennett – Christopher Rabe – Costs – Data – Doctor Andreas Scheler, Diana Henz, Wolfgang Schöllhorn – EHS – Gary Murphy – Health (Behaviour, Brain, Concentration, Headaches, Heart, Muscles, Sleep) – Janis Hoffman Letter to John Horgan, … Continue reading 2017-11-27 (50) pages of complaints about higher bills after being smetered