2018-07-28 “Smart” water meters in San Diego found to have problems, and not just billing ones.

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antenna Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Accuracy – AT&T – Barbara Bry – Cell Towers – David Akin – David Glass – Eduardo Luna – EMF – Higher Bills (Complaints, Errors, Estimates, New Computer System) – Independent Rates Oversight Committee – Ingrid Alverde – ISED – Kevin Faulconer – Lee Ann … Continue reading 2018-07-28 “Smart” water meters in San Diego found to have problems, and not just billing ones.

2018-07-27 Dr. Martin Pall — what is being done to the body by EMF and how it’s being done.

[5G Microcell / Small Cell Towers Siting Legislation & Tactics Conference – Arūnas Vinciūnas – BCCDC – BC Hydro Review (Costs, Deferral Accounts, Fire Insurance, Opt-out Fees, Smart Meter Replacements) – BCUC – Cell Phones – Chris O’Riley – Corruption – Defamation of Scientists – Doctor Bonnie Henry – EMF – Environment – European Commission … Continue reading 2018-07-27 Dr. Martin Pall — what is being done to the body by EMF and how it’s being done.

2018-07-26 Electrical engineer — smeters lack surge protectors –> fire hazard

[5G Microcell / Small Cell Towers Siting Legislation & Tactics Conference – AAEM Smart Meter Moratorium – American Cancer Society (Otis Brawley) – Analogs – AVs – B.N. Frank – Brian Goldman – BTA (David Stockdale) – Cancer – Cell Phones – Children – CPUC – Doctor Debra Greene – EHS / ES – ElectroSmog … Continue reading 2018-07-26 Electrical engineer — smeters lack surge protectors –> fire hazard

2018-07-21 – Free audio of presentation by Dr. Klinghardt, available until Monday AM

[AAP – Alzheimer’s – ANFR – Animals – Annelie Fitzgerald – Barbara Maher – BBB – Cancer – Candida – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children – Clean Air Act – Dieselgate – Digital Addiction – Doctor Dietrich Klinghardt – EHS / ES Microwave Sickness – ElectroSmog – EMFs – Health Canada Safety Code … Continue reading 2018-07-21 – Free audio of presentation by Dr. Klinghardt, available until Monday AM

2018-07-20 Warning to Nurses about exposure to EMF at work

[4G – 5G Microcell / Small Cell Towers – Accuracy – AVs (Deaths, Hacking, Insurance) – Barrie Trower – BCCDC – BC Hydro – Bills (Higher Consumption) – Black Duck Software (Tim Mackey) – Cancer – Cell Phones – CMP Smart Meters Overbilling Class Action Lawsuit & Press Release (Avangrid, Doug Herling, Gail Rice, Mark Levesque) – CMP … Continue reading 2018-07-20 Warning to Nurses about exposure to EMF at work

2018-07-16 Wireless devices use many times more energy than wired ones do. They are not green in any sense.

[3G – 4G – 5G – AT&T – BC Hydro – BCUC & Smart Meter Fires: The Failure to Protect by Sharon Noble – Ceet Centre for Energy-Efficient Telecommunications – Cell Phones – Children – Claire Trevena – ComEd – Duke Energy – Health – IoT – Itron – Jayant Baliga – John Horgan – … Continue reading 2018-07-16 Wireless devices use many times more energy than wired ones do. They are not green in any sense.