[5G mmW – Barrie Trower – Cell Towers – CIA (Michael Hayden) – Civil Rights – Commonwealth Summit – Connected Communities – CSIS – Data – Espionage – FBI – Fibre Optics – Five Eyes – Intellectual Property – John Bolton – Justin Trudeau – Microwave Radiation – Ministry of National Defence (Renée Filiatrault) – NSA – Oona McOuat – Safety – Security – Sharon Noble Letter to Esther Enkin, Jennifer McGuire, T.G. Hitch re Bethany Lindsay CBC Article on Complaint to BCHRT BC Human Rights Tribunal & Decision by Walter Rilkoff – Smartphones – Studies – Telus – Wi-Fi in Schools – Wired – Wireless – Write to MPs re Huawei Microcells – ZTE | BC – Canada – Australia – Beijing, China – New Zealand – London, UK – USA] & (audio) & Cartoon & Website
1) Finally, Canada is taking notice of Huawei, which has provided all the transmitters for Telus’s microcells and is a partner in the pilot projects for 5G in Vancouver. Why has it taken so long for Ottawa to even notice that this Chinese agent is involved in our infrastructure? Who knows what else they are involved in. There is much more to the Globe and Mail article but it is available only to subscribers. If anyone can get the entire article and share, I would appreciate it. I suspect there is much more to this.
We should get after our MPs on this and force the removal of the microcells NOW!! Please consider writing. [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/canada-contact-e-mail-lists/]
(click on photos to enlarge)

Morning Update: Ottawa’s worries grow over Huawei’s global ambitions
Canadian officials will not say what measures Canada might take against Huawei, but the senior government insider said national-security officials have been consulting their counterparts in Australia, which is reportedly preparing to ban Huawei from supplying equipment for its planned 5G wireless network. Huawei has already been virtually shut out of the giant U.S. market because of national-security concerns and effectively banned from that country’s future 5G network.
Here is the entire article:
2) Oona McOuat has just announced a new website devoted to “connected communities”. It is vital that people understand that fiber optic cable is available to bring internet even to the most remote communities and right up to homes. As I’ve said so many times, it is by far better than wireless in so many ways: it provides data more quickly; it can provide much more data than Wi-Fi can; it is more secure; it is safer – it does not emit microwave radiation; it does not require an infrastructure of cell towers and transmitters. For businesses, it is far more reliable and, being much more efficient, it provides much better service. Please take a look and share with people who need to know that there is a choice that is truly smarter than wireless. This is a site that you should visit regularly because Oona will keep adding valuable information.

– http://connected-communities.ca/
3) A great cartoon that a member found in the British Daily Telegraph.

4) A short audio — Milliwaves can be extremely dangerous to all life, according to Barrie Trower.
Barrie Trower On 5G Microwaves; There is No safe Place, No Where To Go
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2DSKl1ts0w (14:31 minutes)

– http://www.ombudsman.cbc.radio-canada.ca/en/about/
From: Sharon Noble
Sent: July 30, 2018
To: ‘CBC Ombudsman’ <ombudsman@cbc.ca>
Cc: catalyst007@shaw.ca; tghitch@shaw.ca; ‘Jennifer McGuire’ <jennifer.mcguire@cbc.ca>; ‘COMMISSAIRE AUX VALEURS ET A L’ETHIQUE BUREAU’ <commissioner@cbc.ca>
Subject: RE: Complaint regarding CBC Article
Dear Ms. Enkin,
I was grateful to read that you were taking this issue seriously and had asked Ms. McGuire to respond. As of this date, I have received nothing further.
Has Ms. Lindsay reviewed the information that has been provided by the complainant and her lawyer? [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Press-Release-Wi-Fi-in-Schools-A-Human-Rights-Issue-A-Childrens-Health-Issue-by-Ros-Salvador-July-18-2018.pdf]
It would seem that a child’s civil rights being trampled by schools and ignored by the BC Human Rights Commission would be worthy of investigation by the CBC.
I look forward to receiving a response at your earliest convenience.
Sharon Noble
= = =
From: CBC Ombudsman [mailto:ombudsman@cbc.ca]
Sent: July 19, 2018
To: Sharon Noble
Cc: catalyst007@shaw.ca; tghitch@shaw.ca; Jennifer McGuire <jennifer.mcguire@cbc.ca>; COMMISSAIRE AUX VALEURS ET A L’ETHIQUE BUREAU <commissioner@cbc.ca>
Subject: Complaint regarding CBC Article
Dear Sharon Noble:
This office was forwarded your complaint by the Values and Ethics Commissioner. It is the customary practice of CBC’s Office of the Ombudsman to share letters of complaint with the relevant programmers, who have the right to respond first to criticism of their work. However, you should be aware that this office stands aside in cases where legal action is contemplated or under way.
I have shared your e-mail with Jennifer McGuire, General Manager and Editor in Chief of CBC News, along with the request that your concerns be addressed. If you are not satisfied with the response you receive, and if you are not proceeding with legal action, you may ask me to conduct an independent review. But if you intend to proceed with legal action, I would stand aside.
Please also note that we have received two other complaints regarding the same issue, therefore we are treating this as one complaint. We will share them with Ms. McGuire as well.
Esther Enkin
CBC Ombudsman
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“An activist is someone who cannot help but fight for something. That person is not usually motivated by a need for power, or money, or fame, but in fact driven slightly mad by some injustice, some cruelty, some unfairness – So much so that he or she is compelled by some moral engine to act to make it better.”
~ Eve Ensler