2018-08-04 Regulators in Maine found fault with smeters during outages

[Analogs – Cell Phones Ban – Children – CMP Smart Meters Overbilling Class Action Lawsuit (Docket No. CV-18-324, Lipman & Katz, Mark Levesque, Trafton, Matzen, Belleau & Frenette) – CPUC – Doug Herling – Emera Maine – EMF – Freedom to Say No to Smart Meters – Gail Rice – Health – Herbert Adams Complaint – Iberdrola (Avangrid) – … Continue reading 2018-08-04 Regulators in Maine found fault with smeters during outages

BC Human Rights Tribunal’s Disappointing Ruling. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – July 25, 2018

[mmW TSA Airport Body Scanners (Cancer, Health Problems Data for Researcher) – BC Hydro (Financial Reports, Legacy Meter Opt-out Fees [$25 million], Smart Meter Replacements) – BCTF – BCUC – Benefits – Big Wireless – Cell Phones – Cell Towers Liability – Civil Rights (Education) – CMP Smart Meters Overbilling Class Action Lawsuit (Docket No. CV-18-324, Lipman … Continue reading BC Human Rights Tribunal’s Disappointing Ruling. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – July 25, 2018

Does Trudeau Care About Ballooning Brain Cancer Rates? Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – July 13, 2018

[Brain Tumours (CBTA List [351, Ellie Marks], GBMs, Historical Database [Age, Documentation, Type], Tracking) – Cancer Society (Lung Cancer, Tobacco) – Cell Phones – Children & Students – CSIS – ElectroSmog – Environment – Espionage – Health Canada (James McNamee [Motorola], Misinformation, Outdated Science) – Heart Schwannomas – Henry Lai – Insurance Liability (Hidden Cell … Continue reading Does Trudeau Care About Ballooning Brain Cancer Rates? Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – July 13, 2018

2018-08-03 “Generation Zapped” getting into public libraries

[5G – Alan Jasanoff – Animals – Behaviour – Bill Gates – Birds – Brain – Buglife (Matt Shardlow) – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children’s Rights in the Digital Age – Digital Addiction – Doctor Martin Blank – EKLIPSE – EMF – EMR – Emotions – Environment – Face-to-Face Diplomacy: Social Neuroscience and International Relations by … Continue reading 2018-08-03 “Generation Zapped” getting into public libraries

2018-08-02 Cell phone banning in Canada getting international attention

[5G Moratorium – Analogs – ANFR – BC Hydro – Behaviour – CAIFF – Cell Phones (Alcatel U50 Banned in Canada, Bell, Freedom Mobile, Telus) – Child Disrupted Documentary by Krista Riihimaki – Children – Cris Rowan – Digital Addiction – EHS / ES Microwave Radiation Sickness – EHT – FCC 12-152 – Health Canada Safety … Continue reading 2018-08-02 Cell phone banning in Canada getting international attention

2018-08-01 Internet-connected devices banned from French schools

[5G Microcell / Small Cell Antenna Siting Legislation – Alexis Corbière – ARCEP – Bill Cook – Cell Towers – Children – Digital Addiction – Duncan Thomas – EMF – Emmanuel Macron – Environment – EPRI (Leeka Kheifets) – FCC – Firefighters – Geomagnetic Resonances – Grassroots Environmental Education (Doug Wood) – Health – Hoax … Continue reading 2018-08-01 Internet-connected devices banned from French schools

2018-07-31 A cell phone no longer sold in Canada due to excessive radiation.

[4G – 5G Microcell / Small Cell Towers Siting Legislation & Tactics Conference – Agnès Buzyn – ANFR – ANSES (Roger Genet) – Bell – Bluetooth – Bouygues Telecom – Bruno Le Maire – Canadian Cancer Society – Cell Phones (Alcatel U50, Apple, Hisense F23, HTC, Huawei, LG, Microsoft, Nokia, Polaroid, Samsung, Wiko Tommy2) – … Continue reading 2018-07-31 A cell phone no longer sold in Canada due to excessive radiation.

Newsletters 2018-08 AUG

2018-08-01 – Internet-connected devices banned from French schools 2018-08-02 – Cell phone banning in Canada getting international attention 2018-08-03 – “Generation Zapped” getting into public libraries 2018-08-04 – Regulators in Maine found fault with smeters during outages 2018-08-05 – Airport Wi-Fi especially vulnerable to hacking 2018-08-06 – A major victory: New Mexico utility’s application for … Continue reading Newsletters 2018-08 AUG