2018-09-01 – Another smeter fire, this time in Washington. 2018-09-02 – More about microwaving embassy personnel 2018-09-03 – A review of work by Russian and Ukrainian researchers, on EMF, including milliwaves 2018-09-04 – ICNIRP doesn’t believe NTP and Ramazzini studies are convincing 2018-09-05 – RF/EMF and fertility 2018-09-06 – Action to help get attention at … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2018-09 SEP

2018-08-20 Bumblebee on endangered species list.

[5G – Afflicted – Children – Corruption – Doctor William J. Rea (EHC-D) – EMF – Environmental Illness (Chemicals, MCS) – Extinction – Health Insurance – Lyme Disease – Martin L. Pall (DNA, VGCCs) – NRDC (Rebecca Riley) – Rusty-patched Bumblebees (Endangered Species) – U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – Varda Burstyn – Xerces Society (Sarina Jepsen) … Continue reading 2018-08-20 Bumblebee on endangered species list.

Martin Pall predicts end of humanity in 5-7 years

  Please listen to Dr. Martin Pall’s chilling information about “non-ionizing radiation” and what can happen if 5G is not stopped. Deterioration of cognitive capabilities is irreversible (unless humans are completely different from mice in the studies) and likewise sterility/infertility. (and not just humanity, of course) This interview played on KPFA’s Your Own Health and … Continue reading Martin Pall predicts end of humanity in 5-7 years

2018-08-17 USA Court acknowledges smeters are invasive, but not “unreasonable”

[4G – 5G Microcell / Small Cell Towers Antenna Siting Legislation – Appliance Load Profiles – BC Hydro – Blue Light (Alpha Tocoferol, Blindness, CFL, LED, Macular Degeneration, Melatonin, Retinal, Sleep) – Centralia City Light (Aclara, M.L. Norton, Peter Abbarno, PLC) – Clean Energy Act – Data Harvest – Devra Davis – Doctor Ajith Karunarathne … Continue reading 2018-08-17 USA Court acknowledges smeters are invasive, but not “unreasonable”

2018-08-12 Globe and Mail prints Health Canada’s misinformation!!!

[5G – Americans for Responsible Technology Coalition – BBB – BC Hydro Legacy Meter Removals & Failed Installation Fee – Black Hat USA Survey – Cancer (Brain, Breast, Rectal, Tumours) – CDPH Guidelines (Joel Moskowitz Lawsuit) – Cell Phones (2B) – Children – Craig Young – Digital Addiction – Doctor Devra Lee Davis – EHS / … Continue reading 2018-08-12 Globe and Mail prints Health Canada’s misinformation!!!

2018-08-10 CBC Marketplace asking for ideas for programs

[Analogs – BC Hydro Legacy Meter Removals & Failed Installation Fee – CBC Marketplace Investigations – Cyber Attacks – FortisBC – Hackers – Health Canada – Homeland Security (Jonathan Homer) – ICNIRP (Send Comments re RF EMFs Guidelines Update) – James McNamee – Measurement Canada Certificate Expired Notification Letter – Military Intelligence – Move Smart Meters … Continue reading 2018-08-10 CBC Marketplace asking for ideas for programs

2018-08-09 Anyone with advice about moving smeter away from home?

[Appliance Damages – Automotive Cryptography – BC Hydro Legacy Meter Removals & Failed Installation Fee – Bugs – Center for Automotive Embedded Systems Security (Stefan Savage) – Children – Cisco – CSA – Cyber Attack Risk – Data – Democracy – Farady Case Protection (Fob Guard, Silent Pocket) – Fires – Health Canada – HESA 2015 Recommendations … Continue reading 2018-08-09 Anyone with advice about moving smeter away from home?