1) Dr. Arazi continues with his exposé of cell phones that, when held to the head or body, emit RF levels far in excess of the high limits. His report on 250 popular phones that he released several weeks ago has gone without response by the EU government and agencies – just as it would in the USA and Canada.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Press release – ANFR endangers the health of millions of mobile phone users
« This means practically all the mobile phones we and our children have used on a daily basis for many years to the present day. For these mobile phones, the levels of the SAR body tested by ANFR are far more alarming. The SAR thresholds have been exceeded by up to almost four times the regulatory value (2W/kg). For Dr. Arazi, who launched the alert in July 2016 and obtained the publication of all these data through legal proceedings:
« The responsibility of ANFR, like that of other international monitoring bodies, is huge. This scandal recalls another one, the contaminated blood scandal. Some people knew but said nothing and the health of millions was endangered. Doesn’t the government ever learn anything from the serious mistakes of the past, like asbestos or tobacco? »
(scroll down for Press Release)
2) I believe this is a first – a cell phone has been pulled off the market due to emitting excessive levels of RF, “but it’s still safe”, even the Cancer Institute says it is. When will this agency stop working with the industry on this issue and start to do what it purports to do – to help prevent cancer? The phones already in use are not being recalled !! And ISED says it’s safe because there is such a margin in SC 6 !! We all know that research is being ignored by Health Canada (no acknowledgement of the NTP or Ramazzini studies) and that SC 6 is inadequate, outdated and a farce.
This is an outrageous article because of all the misleading/dishonest information. I sent this article to Dr. Arazi and suggested that now is the right time to present, to Canadians, his study of emission levels on the most popular phones. Perhaps Wendy Mesley would like to follow up her earlier report.

Canada is no longer selling this Alcatel phone due to radiation concerns
“Alcatel has temporarily stopped selling the Alcatel U50 in Canada after it failed to meet government-set wireless radio frequency energy exposure limits. These are limits that aim to regulate the amount of radiation devices can emit. The Alcatel U50 is a budget device that was first released in late 2017 and sold by Bell, Telus and Freedom Mobile…
All smartphones produce low amounts of non-ionizing radiation due to features like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and 4G. While it is known that ionizing radiation can be harmful, according to the National Cancer Institute, there is no consistent evidence that exposure to non-ionizing radiation poses a cancer risk.”
3) All of you who, like me, were unable to participate in the conference call re 5G on Sunday can catch up by listening to an audio YouTube that they provided.
5G Showdown in Washington – Thank you for being part of our nationwide conference call Sunday night. by Grassroots Environmental Education – July 31, 2018:
– https://mailchi.mp/grassrootsinfo.org/5g-conference-call-update
(audio 1:11:32) Nationwide 5G Conference Call July, 2018 by GrassrootsEnvEd – YouTube – July 31, 2018: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3oHP7evsJA&feature=youtu.be
4) Below is an email from an Australian group fighting the same battle we are, to have the Precautionary Principle applied with regard to wireless products and infrastructure. They are taking legal action with the help of a major lawyer. We should all wish them luck because, if they win, we will benefit.
From: EMR Aware <contact@emraware.com>
Date: 30 July 2018
To: EMR Aware <contact@emraware.com>
Subject: Important Notice – Nationwide EMR Class Action
Dear EMR Aware Subscriber,
You are invited to attend a landmark event. This is BIG news.
A Class Action Lawsuit is in the process of being filed on behalf of the citizens of Australia. It addresses those entities within Government and industry seen to be failing in their duty to protect the public from harmful electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emitted by consumer products and related infrastructure.
The intent is not to curtail useful technology, but rather prompt a comprehensive overhaul of outdated EMR safety standards so as to incorporate the full gamut of scientific evidence, as well as the true meaning of the internationally mandated “precautionary principle”. A significant part of this process involves community education and empowerment.
It is our good fortune that Barrister Ray Broomhall, of the prestigious Justice Michael Kirby Chambers in Tasmania, has agreed to take up this cause. He will be conducting a series of face-to-face briefings with the newly formed Environment and Communities Safe from Radiation Assn. Inc. (ECSFR), and members of the public who wish to attend. Assisting will be a medical doctor, radiation scientists, and team of compensation and human rights lawyers.
Specific legal procedures will be presented to enable concerned organisations and individuals to prevail over the commercial self-interest of electro-technology corporations and their Government regulators. This type of action is particularly timely due to the planned 5G network that will attempt to enforce installation of many thousands of microwave transmitters throughout populated areas.
Here are the details of the first scheduled meeting:
Date: 4 August
Time: 3:30- 9:00pm
Place: St. John’s Primary School Hall,11 Murwillumbah Rd, Mullumbimby NSW
3:30 – Doors open
4:00 – 4:15 Welcome to Country, the event and our association
4:15 – 5:00 Mr. Victor Leach – ORSAA
5:00 – 6:30 Dr. Russell Cooper
6:30 – 7:00 Soup/tea/coffee break and local music
7:00 – 9:00 Barrister Raymond Broomhall
This is the standard of undertaking many of us have long awaited. If you have been considering the risks of personal exposure to EMR, and not known how to effectively respond, here is an opportunity to join forces with the first legally supported initiative of its kind. There is no requested fee for doing so since, by definition, a Nationwide Class Action includes all non-objecting citizens of Australia.
We look forward to seeing you there. Please also spread word throughout your social network so as many persons as possible may take part. Everyone is welcome. For those who cannot attend, the event will be live streamed at: www.ecsfr.com.au
Let’s work together to reclaim our health and environment from the unjustifiable proliferation of health threatening electro-pollution.
For further information, see the attached flyer

or contact: protectbyronshire@gmail.com
Background reading:
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”
~ Dalai Lama