2019-05-06 Japanese study to replicate NTP loaded with bent scientists.

1)  Article in an investment blog. Maybe if financial investments in 5G seem risky, the marketplace will stop this from proceeding…  Is 5G Worth The Risks?  “Wireless technology has become so ubiquitous that most of us have been lulled into believing it is safe. Now, the hazards are about to be ratcheted up dramatically. More … Continue reading 2019-05-06 Japanese study to replicate NTP loaded with bent scientists.

2018-12-22 – Study shows brain damage from low levels of RF exposure from cell phones

1)  Many communities in the USA are establishing ordinances/laws/policies to maintain some control over the siting of microcell transmitters.  EH Trust.org is maintaining a list of these communities and sharing info about their efforts in order to help others. Everyone should consider what is being done and determine which policy or approach might work best … Continue reading 2018-12-22 – Study shows brain damage from low levels of RF exposure from cell phones

2018-12-03 US Senator presses FCC re. 5G safety.

1)  A couple of US politicians are asking for documentation re. safety of 5G.. Critical questions that our MPs should be asking. Blumenthal Presses FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr to Disclose Evidence of ‘5G Safety’ “The National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy (NISLAPP) applauds Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)  [and Congresswoman Anna Eshoo (D-CA)] … Continue reading 2018-12-03 US Senator presses FCC re. 5G safety.

Smart Meter Maker Plans to Illegally Sell Your Data. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – October 11, 2018

[Analogs – Appliance Damages (Power Outages) – BC Hydro Smart Metering Program (Bullying, False Statements, Meter Replacements, No Oversight, Opt-out, Radio-off Smart Meters, Threats) – BCUC – Bees – Bills – C4ST – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children – Clean Energy Act – Costs – Data for Sale – Digital Addiction – Doctor … Continue reading Smart Meter Maker Plans to Illegally Sell Your Data. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – October 11, 2018

2018-10-25 More Evidence of ITRON’s motives to expand use of smeters

[5G Microcell / Small Cell Towers Antenna Public Right-of-way Siting – Accessible Internet – Analogs – Bees – Birds – Bsquare Software – Clean Energy Act – Click Here to Kill Everybody by Bruce Schneier – Crimes Against Humanity – CRTC – Data for Sale – Democracy – Doctor Hugh Scully – Electric Tariff – FCM National … Continue reading 2018-10-25 More Evidence of ITRON’s motives to expand use of smeters