2019-11-03 Dr. Kostoff re. potential health effects of 5G understated

1)  Telus is the only company in BC that provides copper-cable-based landlines. Over the last few years, Telus has, surreptitiously, without advising their customers, cut the copper line and replaced the old-fashioned landline with a digital phone line in many homes. In earlier updates, I’ve mentioned that it happened to me and, when I discovered it, … Continue reading 2019-11-03 Dr. Kostoff re. potential health effects of 5G understated

2019-09-21 Concerns re. Fiber Optic Cable affecting some with EHS

1)  A second email address for Sonia Furstenau what inadvertently included in a recent update. Please send all correspondence to: mailto:sonia.furstenau.mla@leg.bc.ca 2)  From a member who just was coerced to accept a smeter after having her power cut.  We know that Corix hired people straight off the street and gave them just a few hours training to … Continue reading 2019-09-21 Concerns re. Fiber Optic Cable affecting some with EHS

2019-07-31 A Council speaks out re. 5G

1) In last night’s update, there was a petition asking for a moratorium. The link I gave worked for me but not for everyone. Here is another that hopefully will work for all. Please remember:  DEADLINE FOR SIGNING IS AUG 16, 2019. https://www.globalresearch.ca/petition-house-commons-stop-implementation-5g-technology/5675114/amp 2)   A Mayor and Council have joined with us, writing a terrific letter … Continue reading 2019-07-31 A Council speaks out re. 5G

2019-06-19 SafeG.net

(audio 31:59) Thousands of 5G Satellites Soon to Irradiate Entire Surface of Earth. Sharon Noble – June 18, 2019 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – June 18, 2019: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/thousands-of-5g-satellites-soon-to-irradiate-entire-surface-of-earth-sharon-noble-the-goddard-report-with-jim-goddard-by-talkdigitalnetwork-june-18-2019/   1)  Now is the time we need your help! The flyers and posters for the Victoria event with Dr. Pall … Continue reading 2019-06-19 SafeG.net