2017-05-26 Dr. Timothy Schoechle speaks about smeters being a scam by the utilities

[5G – Chiropractors Kristen Walton & Matthew Christ, Anderson Management Services – Cornet Meter – Dirty Electricity – Doctor Timothy Schoechle Interview by André Fauteux – Duke Energy Analog Meters Opt Out – EHS – EMR – Fibre Optics – IoT Hacking – Les Evans Letter re Tiered Hydro & Water Bills – No Energy … Continue reading 2017-05-26 Dr. Timothy Schoechle speaks about smeters being a scam by the utilities

2017-05-20 California Public Health published watered down guidelines

[Brain Cancer – Cell Phone Warnings Guidelines – Doctor Joel Moskowitz – EHS / ES Disabilities Accommodation – EMFs – Health Canada – Letter to BC Ferries re Wi-Fi Free Zones – Perry Kendall – Smoking – Space / Solar Storms affect Smart Grids | BC – Canada – California, USA] 1)   Dr. Joel Moskowitz has forced … Continue reading 2017-05-20 California Public Health published watered down guidelines

2017-04-30 Mining of data from smeters illegal. Data is for billing purposes only — former Privacy Commissioner

[Barrie Trower – BC Hydro’s TETRA – Bills – Brain – CBC’s Marketplace with Wendy Mesley – Cell Phone Studies – Children – Doctor Ann Cavoukian Privacy Commissioner – EHS – Health Canada – Jane Philpott – Jerry Flynn – Meg Sears – Microwaves Entrainment Responses – MIT Engineer Pantazis – RF – Safety Code … Continue reading 2017-04-30 Mining of data from smeters illegal. Data is for billing purposes only — former Privacy Commissioner

Waterloo man blames Wi-Fi for sickness

Here is an interesting item from 2012 about EHS. EHS has been known for years and the number of people who are suffering from level 9-10 EHS is increasing dramatically. Many people with level 4-6 EHS suffer but have not connected the dots that link their feeling of unease,  head aches,  sore muscles,  trouble sleeping, … Continue reading Waterloo man blames Wi-Fi for sickness

2017-02-21 Industry document confirms that smeters have many problems that are not being addressed

[Andrea Horwath – ANSI C12.1 – Arcing – BC Hydro – Bills – Brain Tumors Risk Reports – Cell Phones Studies – Children – Consumer Affairs – Data – Design Flaws – Fires – Health – Hot Sockets – Hydro One Privatization – Itron – Lord Roberts School Annex – Parks – Plastic Covers – … Continue reading 2017-02-21 Industry document confirms that smeters have many problems that are not being addressed

2017-01-11 Industry admits smeters have exploded and are threats to our privacy and security

[Acoustic Neuroma – BC Hydro – BCUC- C4ST – Cell Phones – Disconnected – DNA – Doctor – EMF – EMR – Environment – Glioma – Green Party – Health – Health Canada – John Rowe – Lennart Hardell – Lisa Madigan – Lithium Batteries – Martin Blank – Netanel Rubin – Northwestern University’s Kellogg … Continue reading 2017-01-11 Industry admits smeters have exploded and are threats to our privacy and security

2016-12-29 Hackers can get control of smeters, get specific data, take control of “$mart” devices

1)    A study by the US military in 1976 confirmed earlier studies – exposure to very low levels of microwave radiation (.03 milliwatts per centimeter squared or 30 microwatts per centimeter squared) caused leakage of the blood brain barrier. Why is it that 40 years later the industry is allowed to expose the public to … Continue reading 2016-12-29 Hackers can get control of smeters, get specific data, take control of “$mart” devices

2016-11-18 BC Hydro admits some “transmitter off” smeters were transmitting signals

1)      Thanks to the knowledge and perseverance of one of our members who found that some “transmitter off” meters actually were transmitting signals, BC Hydro has admitted that an “error” occurred with 300 meters. The letter from BC Hydro is below. We were told that BC Hydro cannot turn the transmitter off, that it would … Continue reading 2016-11-18 BC Hydro admits some “transmitter off” smeters were transmitting signals