2016-04-07 Time of use — Ontario

In Michigan, customers are still getting inaccurate bills from smart meters just like people here in BC. Only those with outrageously high bills realize that their bills could be overstated. http://fox17online.com/2016/04/07/business-owner-with-smart-meter-receives-13000-consumers-energy-bill/   Meeting in Forbidden Plateau, in Comox Valley, 7 p.m. Monday, April 11, 2016 at the CVRD boardroom at 550 Comox Rd. a BCHydro … Continue reading 2016-04-07 Time of use — Ontario

2016-02-03 Surveillance via web-connected home appliances

Update on the Olympic Peninsula’s fight against the US Navy’s plans for EMR wargames. We’ve still heard nothing from the Canadian federal or provincial governments. http://savetheolympicpeninsula.org/   In Pennsylvania, an application for a Verizon cell tower close to a school was rejected AFTER earlier approval and signing of a contract, based on health concerns and … Continue reading 2016-02-03 Surveillance via web-connected home appliances


2016-02-01 – Warning of EMP attack on grid. 2016-02-02 – ITRON & Hydro — new smart meter using 4G LTE 2016-02-03 – Surveillance via web-connected home appliances 2016-02-04 – TED Talk about EHS 2016-02-05 – US states have pending bills to allow opt outs without fees 2016-02-06 – Ont. Energy Board demands more customer data … Continue reading NEWSLETTERS 2016-02 FEB

2016-01-15 Reimer’s response to Dix’s charges

  EHS is being discussed in magazines and on websites that are of a more general nature, teaching people who normally would not know about the symptoms and causes. http://www.care2.com/greenliving/what-is-electromagnetic-hypersensitivity.html   Sandi Maurer, Director of the EMF Safety Network in Calif.,   has been gathering evidence on smart meter fires, primarily in the US. She compiled … Continue reading 2016-01-15 Reimer’s response to Dix’s charges

2015-12-30 Is Telus misleading about providing fiber optics to homes

Powerful solar storm might show up in the skies for New Year or by affecting the electrical grid. http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/solar-storm-northern-lights-near-years-eve-1.3384756?cmp=rss A member sent in this article, declaring it pure insanity. Who wants Samsung to control our security systems? I just want my privacy respected. Is this so much to ask?  The $$meter opens our homes even … Continue reading 2015-12-30 Is Telus misleading about providing fiber optics to homes

2015-12-29 Dr. Martin Pall charges that Royal Panel failed to perform its scientific duty when reviewing Safety Code 6

Charlie Teo, a famous neurosurgeon,  and Devra Davis ask for the public to have the right to know about the dangers of using wireless devices. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEfFkF1OHsY More clothing to  protect against RF. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3377831/The-REAL-tin-foil-hat-12-hipster-headwear-claim-able-protect-people-electromagnetic-smog.html   Martin Pall has done research on the biological effects of microwave radiation and argues that the recent review of Safety Code … Continue reading 2015-12-29 Dr. Martin Pall charges that Royal Panel failed to perform its scientific duty when reviewing Safety Code 6