Newsletters 2015-12 DEC

2015-12-01 – Homes can be hacked/cyber attacked via “smart” appliances 2015-12-02 – Fire report says Port Alberni fire was caused by smart meter 2015-12-03 – The financial report, at last 2015-12-04 – Smart meters replaced in Arizona after 7 years 2015-12-05 – Internet-of-things opens doors to our personal data 2015-12-06  – Telus Microcell Transmitters 2015-12-07 … Continue reading Newsletters 2015-12 DEC

2015-09-23 Going off the grid is becoming cheaper

You might want to consider signing this petition asserting our right not to be endangered by a mandated product like smeters.   SumOfUs Petition by Ulrich Rudolph – Stop the Bullying and Abuse of the Citizens of British Columbia: –     San Antonio, Texas, $$meter customers being overcharged and not getting answers that … Continue reading 2015-09-23 Going off the grid is becoming cheaper

2015-09-04 A new call for the precautionary principle and for research on EHS

  Some had trouble with the link to the CHEK news article about the fire in Langford in last night’s update. Try this if you did:     As a result of the Paris Appeal Congress in May,  a major call for the Precautionary Principle while more research is done re. EHS. Please share … Continue reading 2015-09-04 A new call for the precautionary principle and for research on EHS

2015-06-22 MP May pushing for open access to scientific research

Elizabeth May works for open access to government-funded research.  “Ms. May stated:    “My bill will ensure that no prime minister can ever bury government science again. While this problem is not new, the Harper years have seen a shocking burial of evidence into places where Canadians will never see it. The work our scientists … Continue reading 2015-06-22 MP May pushing for open access to scientific research