2015-05-31 More on the RF wargames planned by US Navy

1)        Another prominent person dies of brain cancer, Beau Biden, son of the US vice president. A very knowledgeable person said the site of the cancer, from earlier photos, is the area of the brain where cell phone cancers are common. This is becoming a very common type of cancer that is not being reported. If only one member of a prominent family spoke about use of cell phones, it could make a world of difference in fighting this.


2)        Important Council Meeting in Golden on Tuesday, June 2, 7:00 at Golden Town Hall Council Chambers (downstairs).  Council will be discussing and possibly voting on an Antenna Consultation Siting Policy (which every community should have), plus the application by Rogers for new cell towers. Please, if you live in the area, consider attending and lending your support.

3)        More push back to the US Navy’s plans to begin RF wargames over and on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington. These games will inevitably affect southern BC and the Gulf Islands, not to mention the wildlife on land, in the air and ocean. There will be public meetings. More info. can be found at http://savetheolympicpeninsula.org/  Please, write or fax your comments and concerns: http://savetheolympicpeninsula.org/STOP%20Political%20Action.html

4)        Liberals seem to react the same way to spending our money, doing away with regulatory oversight, and deleting emails. Ontario’s government seems to handle these things just like BC’s.  Coincidence?


5)        Prepayment seems to be an advantage for the companies and one reason for them to install $meters. Not only can they control the usage in a home, charge different fees by time of use, but now they can make people pay up front, with automatic shut off when the payment runs out.  All for the benefit of the companies with none, that I can see, for the customer. UK has them – when will they be used here?  In the UK, prepayment customers seem to be charged at higher rates than others.



6)        Data mining is becoming the focus of new companies. Our Privacy Commissioner needs to realize the potential for invasion of our privacy. To date she has stated that she believes Hydro’s encryption is sufficient to protect us.  We’re not talking hackers, we’re talking Hydro itself gathering personal data not needed for billing and sharing/selling it. We will have no knowledge of it but we will suffer the consequences.

“In this unprecedented era of deregulation, disruptive technology, and interconnectivity, the energy industry has access to a limitless supply of information that can yield real business value if you only know what to do with it,” says Gerard Metzler, President of Quantitative Business Analytics   (QBA).

“QBA knows where to look for insight, how to exploit that unique perspective, and give clients a true business advantage.”

QBA is primarily focused on providing value-added services to the Energy Industry including Utilities (Gas, Electricity, Water), Transmission Companies, Plants, Suppliers, and Exploration. The Energy industry is just the latest to fully automate and instrument its Energy Value Chain. QBA provides cost-effective assistance in realizing benefit from the information derived from its instrumentation efforts. These instruments can include smart meters, various forms of distribution automation and other technical devices like synchrophasors.   (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phasor_measurement_unit)

“QBA has developed service offerings and best practices that effectively sift through the ‘flotsam and jetsam’ contained in corporate systems, social media systems and data warehouses,” says Bill Grayhack, Chief Mathematician for QBA. “Our advanced analytics coupled with senior-level experience allow us to help clients take advantage of the data captured in smart technology.”




If RF Radiation is so bad then why are we having so much trouble getting rid of it?

by Ted – Coalition to Stop Smart Meters – May 29, 2015:

– http://www.stopsmartmetersbc.com/if-rf-radiation-is-so-bad-then-why-are-we-having-so-much-trouble-getting-rid-of-it/


Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“We will never have a perfect world, but it’s not romantic or naïve to work toward a better one.”

Steven Pinker (b. 1954), Award-winning, Canadian-born U.S. Intellectual and Scientist (Cognitive Psychology);

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Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation